Small Wailing Wall Photo: Small Wailing Wall

Small Wailing Wall (the Kotel Hebrew HaSatan) – located in the Muslim quarter part of the support structures of the lost Jews of the Temple. She is known much less than the "big" Wailing Wall, but in a spiritual sense is even more important relic.

Both walls are the remains of a colossal ancient Foundation erected by Herod the Great around the Temple mount, on which stood a biblical temple in Jerusalem. On the surface of the earth and under the earth, archaeologists have dated the stone blocks belonging to different epochs – from the time of king Solomon (tenth century B. C.) to the Herodian period (the last decade of the first century BC). To Herodian period include seven lower rows of masonry known to all the Wailing Wall (in the European tradition – Western).

Small Wailing Wall is located about 200 metres North of its famous relative. The path to it lies through the Muslim quarter. To the left of the Iron gate leading to the temple mount, is the arch – diving into it, the tourist is in a short three-meter width aisle, along which there is a powerful ancient masonry. Two bottom row belong to the era of the Second Temple (516 BCE – 70 year). More ancient rocks are hidden below, accrued over the millennia, the cultural layer of the city.

But the sanctity of the site in Judaism is determined not by the antiquity of the stones, and the proximity to the point on the Temple mount, where Solomon the wise once placed in the Holy of Holies the ark of the Covenant, stone tablets of Moses. Closest to the Holy of Holies is the outgrowth of a tunnel under the Temple mount, on the second place – Small Wailing Wall, and only the world famous Western Wall. Thus, a Small Wall is one of the most important religious centers of Judaism. Tradition connects this place with the advent of the prophet Elijah. It is also believed that it was here with Rabbi Abraham ha-Levi Brahima spoke God Himself.

A small Wall was not always available to Jewish believers. With the passage of the thirteenth century along it is the courtyard of the hospice for Muslim pilgrims. After the formation of the state of Israel Playground for a long time was in the territory under the control of Jordan. Free access to a Small Wall where the Jews were after the six day war of 1967, when Jerusalem was entirely under the control of Israel.

Nevertheless, the last decades of the XX century is marked by many conflicts between Jews praying and local Muslims. In 1972 archaeological excavations at the Small Wall posed a threat to surrounding buildings. To strengthen the structures engineers had to drill four holes in the Wall, it angered Jews and Muslims. To prevent new conflicts, the authorities forbade any change to the appearance of your yard for example, it is impossible even to put a bench.

Place the Small Wall a bit, but believers are pressed against the ancient stones, prayers and put in the cracks between the blocks notes with requests to God – just as the famous Wailing Wall.

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