The craft Museum of Finland and the Finnish national Center of costume Photo: the craft Museum of Finland and the Finnish national Center of costume

The craft Museum of Finland – state specialized folk Museum, located in the city of jyväskylä. This is a wonderful place for leisure activities for the whole family.

In a special workshop with all necessary tools and materials and clear illustrated instructions can personally engage in the manufacture of Handicrafts.

In the Museum's collection includes examples of folk carving, painting, embroidery, weaving, ceramics. A collection gathered in the period from 1906 to 1945., has 2910 items, plus the exhibits brought from Sweden, Norway, France and Russia (1200 pieces). Wooden works presented cups, boxes, utensils. There are also many and woven products, such as baskets and birchbark boxes.

An integral part of the Museum of Crafts is a national Center of costume Finland. The exhibits of the center passed to the abundance of colors and originality of materials – lace, linen, cloth, pewter brooches.

In the permanent exhibitions of the Museum you can see the artistic designs of contemporary and antique folk art. Work performed manually, show professionalism and expression of the Finnish people.

The Museum has an art gallery where everyone can buy handmade products, as well as magazines on needlework, cards and decorations.

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