The Citadel Choirs Photo: The Citadel Choirs

One of the most famous and interesting attractions of the Greek island of Kalymnos is undoubtedly the citadel Choirs (or Paleochora) – medieval settlement, nestled on top of a steep rocky hill at an altitude of about 255 m above sea level. Settlement, for centuries, the former main administrative centre of the island, is located in the southwestern part of Kalymnos and covers an area of about 3 ha.

The citadel Choirs was a typical medieval walled city with massive outer walls, one-story and two-story houses that were built close to each other, and beautiful temples. Excellent review and some poor approaches to the fortress were provided the people of Kalymnos timely and reliable protection in the event of a pirate attack, constantly terrorizing the island, and other invaders.

The original castle was built probably in the 10-11 centuries, as evidenced by a number of architectural fragments. During the reigns on the island of the knights Hospitallers (1309-1522, the citadel was enlarged and partly rebuilt. Most of the buildings we see today date from the late 15th century. By the early 18th century, the number of pirate attacks has decreased significantly, and the inhabitants of the fortress began to slowly settle beyond its walls, as well as to develop coastal land. Over time, the citadel was abandoned.

Today the citadel Choirs is an important historical and architectural monument and is very popular with tourists. And, despite the fact that a large part of the citadel actually lies in ruins, walking through the streets of this medieval town will give you a lot of fun. Individual attention ten beautiful old churches, who managed to survive the century and well preserved to our days.

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