Podgrad Photo: Podgrad

In the village of Podgrad river Drava population of only 200 inhabitants. It's a small town, which is mentioned in the guides of the Czech Republic in connection with the fact that there is a cemetery, where they found rest for the soldiers of the first world war, and was once the eponymous castle, now flooded by the reservoir. From the castle little remains: a small fragment of the wall and the dilapidated, crumbling moat, braided climbing plants.

Where the castle once stood a well-fortified Fort, which was founded in the year 1474. For a comfortable little life he was fit. Its main function was to protect local residents from the attack of enemy armies. The Fort consisted of a few dwellings, high towers and strong walls, surrounded by a moat. The water in the ditch came from working near the mill.

In 1863 the fortress rebuilt in neo-Gothic style, it turns into a beautiful Palace with a tower, on which flying the flag of the host, and a luxurious main entrance. The castle was surrounded by a host buildings, so looked more like a cozy home of a feudal Lord than a fortified fortress.

In the 50th years of the last century the castle was in a terrible state, no one was interested. It was destroyed almost instantly a large mass of water.

And if the castle is gone, the cemetery with beautiful memorials and ancient crosses, which are called penitential, is preserved. Because buried in the cemetery of prisoners of war of different faiths, on the graves you can see and Christian emblems, crosses and Muslim.

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