Ascension Cathedral Photo: ascension Cathedral

In the city of Kashin is one of the most famous and recognizable cathedrals belonging to the Tver diocese – the Cathedral in honor of the ascension. The temple is located on Union square, house 1.

Today is known in some detail the history of the ascension Cathedral. In the 17th century, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich has made a generous donation in the form of a land plot intended for construction in Cascina ascension temple. It is at this point in the past was the ascension Church, which was destroyed in 1709. The new Cathedral has become one of the largest buildings located in Cascina. Orthodox Church is located on one of the shores of Kalinki flowing in the Central part of the settlement, with well-visible from the Windows of the resurrection Cathedral.

In the period between 1857 and 1860 the years, the building of the Cathedral was rebuilt and modified, besides the interior was markedly increased, helped by the financial support of the merchant Turlikov N. In. During 1867-1870-ies on donated funds merchants by name Derogating and merchant Turlikov, the resurrection Church acquired its original appearance. In the middle of 1929 with the Cathedral were removed all the crosses and also completely disassembled the iconostasis. In continuation of 1962 the resurrection Church was closed and its premises served as a furniture warehouse, later youth organization.

In the matter of composite solutions it is important to note that the Cathedral of the ascension is made taking into account the interaction of the two spaces in the prevailing levels of dominants. The cube is made especially massive, which emphasizes its five domes of light. It is important to note that is made in the shape of a pyramid, the group of bells built not on the principle of matching similar shapes, and complete the square confrontation and light corner completions medium and high drum, perfectly reproducing traditionally performed octagon. The Cathedral room is characterized by a degree of compactness and centricity. The semicircular apse was made and meets classical geometry of the main scope. Refectory room is designed somewhat warmer, which occupies such a significant place in the overall panorama. All facades cubic static array equally well support made the pediments.

At the Annunciation Cathedral is quite high bell tower, which was built in 1849 in the Empire style. The project was developed provincial famous architect I. F. Lvov. The bell tower was made bunk and has a thin spire; the wedding is done through a small cupola and a large carved cross, which helped to maintain a strict and clear architectural forms typical for the first quarter of the 19th century.

In the 1990s, the ascension Cathedral was released and given into the hands of the laity, therefore, soon began repair work. During the restoration work in 1993 the Cathedral was opened for services – he soon became the city's main Cathedral.

One of the important dates that are celebrated in the temple, began on June 25 – day of remembrance of the Holy Princess Anna of Kashin. In 1993, the Shrine of this Saint was moved to the building of the Church of the Nativity on the hill, and the ceremony of transfer of the relics was especially solemn. Today, the relics of Holy Nobleborn Princess Anna of Kashin are in all the churches of the city.

The Cathedral houses and other relics: the icon with the relics of St. John, relics of Romanova Elizaveta Feodorovna, as well as the particles of the relics of St. Macarius of Kalyazin.

In 1998, the ascension Cathedral was artfully decorated with picturesque murals. Also in the building were conducted stucco work. Even today are still ongoing hard work, dedicated to the recovery of valuable elements of the iconostasis.

In mid-2001 on the perimeter of the Cathedral was built a tall fence – from that moment began a fruitful beautification and landscaping of the adjacent territory, located around the Church building.

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