Mount Mithridat Photo: Mount Mithridat

Mount mithridat is the main attraction of the city of Kerch, the mountain is 92 meters. From its top you can admire a wonderful view of the Kerch Bay. To get to the top of the mountain, you must walk Mariatchi the stairs, her steps 436. The staircase was built by the Italian architect Digby in 1833-1840.

Here was situated the ancient city of Panticapaeum. And mountain its name was in honor of king Mithridates of Pontus, who ruled here in 132-136, BC, conquered the Kingdom of Bosporus and died in the war with the Romans. King Mithridates was a very extraordinary personality, a descendant of Alexander the great.

On the mountain since the 19th century archaeological excavations. A residential area is a giant necropolis, partially destroyed by passages dug by robbers - the relic hunter. Archaeologists and speleologists believe that mount mithridat conceals more than 3, 5 thousand ancient tombs, of which scientists have studied only a few hundred.

The mountain is connected with another important historical event. During the great Patriotic War, and more specifically in 1943, after a stubborn siege, the troops 318 Novosibirsk division, broke through the tight defense of the Nazis and they managed to raise the red flag on top of mount Mithridates. After a few days the territory of Kerch was liberated from the invaders.

On the mountain you can see the Obelisk of Fame, which was established in 1944. As well as the eternal flame that reminds us of those heavy fighting during the liberation of Kerch.

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