Khabarovsk state circus Photo: Khabarovsk state circus

Khabarovsk state circus is the youngest circus in Russia. It is located in a beautiful Park named after Gagarin. Its Grand opening was held in 2001, the Circus has its own resident company, he serves as a stage for guest in town, Russian and foreign artists. For all time of existence in a circus made a huge amount of circus troupes.

The first circus performers came to Khabarovsk only in the end of XIX century Their performances enjoyed incredible success with the audience. However, due to the great distance of the city from the Central regions of Russia, these performances took place not regularly. Most circus performances occurred in temporary circus, razbegavshihsya on the marketplace. In the first half of the twentieth century in Khabarovsk there own stationary circus building, built by the personal funds of the entrepreneur Martini. He began to take on lease the touring artists.

Over time, the circus Martini's shot. Therefore, the local authorities decided to construct a new building summer stationary circus. This circus lasted until 1959, the same year built a new summer building of the Khabarovsk circus, an auditorium which could accommodate up to 1950 spectators. The audience is with great pleasure went to circus performances. However, the main disadvantage of this circus was a short summer season.

The first stationary all-season circus building in the city appeared only in 2001, This project combines the design of the buildings of Yaroslavl, Ussuri and Irkutsk circuses. The result is a unique architectural structure, which is considered one of the main decorations of the city. Initially the building of the circus was planning to build for three years, but the construction was completed during the year. Khabarovsk state circus fully equipped with the latest acoustic and lighting equipment, which can show you at the scene of his amazing performances of the highest level.

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