Velikoretsky temple complex Photo: Velikoretsky temple complex

Unique temple complex in the village Velikoretsky adorns the Kirov region, and is considered a relic of the Vyatka region. History of the Foundation of the Orthodox Church on the great river (which gave the name to the village – Velikoretsky) begins with the moment of the apparition of the miraculous image of St. Nicholas in the form of "wondrous signs" in 1383. Velikoretsky icon becomes a relic of the territory, and under construction in the Holy land, the temple-city - a place of pilgrimage for Orthodox Christians, the beginning of the ancient traditions Velikoretsky procession.

"Velikoretsky hail" has preserved to our time several temple buildings: the Church of St. Nicholas (1822-1839, architect Dudkin), Transfiguration Church (1739), Elias bell tower (1860), four two-storey stone house for school and parable (19th century), Gostiny Dvor shopping Mall (arch. Dudkin). At different times over the architectural ensemble of the best talented builders and architects: I. D. Ducar de Neuville, Harinavi, A. E. Timofeev, A. S. Andreev, I. T. Solovki and V. M. Druzhinin.

Vyatka Church was returned to believers in the 1990-ies majestic ruins with lost architectural integrity of the image. In 1999, the Holy springs and plunge pool was newly built chapel. Since 2005 and up to our days the temple complex occupies Nikola - Velikoretsky monastery, preserving, restoring and preserving the relics of their region. On June 6 every year more than 15,000 pilgrims gather on the banks of the great river for the divine Liturgy, procession revived.

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