Ramparts of the fortresses of St. Elisabeth Photo: ramparts of the fortresses of St. Elisabeth

The fortress of Saint Elizabeth is no accident takes pride of place in the series of unique structures of Ukraine. This is the only earthen construction in Eastern Europe, almost entirely preserved. The fortress as a military facility was abolished two centuries ago. Now it is listed in the list of monuments of fortification art of the 18th century. The fortress was named in honor of Saint Elizabeth is the patron of Russian Empress Elizabeth.

Together with outer fortifications had a perimeter of about 6 miles ≈ 6, 3 km away, and the form of the hexagon is a regular hexagon. At the time of Elizabeth, the castle served as a major settlement Novoslobodskaya Cossack regiment and was one of the mainstays of Russia's influence in the region for 11 years, starting in 1753, in this fortress were the Russian command in the South of Ukraine. Also here from 1756, he worked as an investigative Commission on the Haidamaks. In the years of the Russo-Turkish war conflict 68-gg 18th century, when the Tartars invaded beyond Elisavetgrad province, strengthen the garrison was not only successfully sustained the siege, but the Turkish-Tatar army was repelled from neighboring villages.

Since 1775, the fortress lost its defensive significance. After nine years away, was taken to Kherson, all artillery and fortress transformed into the eponymous town of Yelisavetgrad. Defensive fortifications were named after saints or after the Christian feasts: main gate of the fortress – the Trinity, the gate to the city center – our Lady, gate to the lane of the Serf – Bo; bastions Catherine, Peter, Alexis, Andrew, Alexander, Michael, cave. This is not surprising, bloody, difficult time supporting patron Saint was very relevant.

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