Polar-Alpine Botanical garden-Institute Photo: Polar-Alpine Botanical garden-Institute

In the distant past in the summer of 1931 from Leningrad to Murmansk region came a young geobotanist Avrorin Nikolay Aleksandrovich, to continue research initiated by Professor Sergei Sergeevich Ganeshina who died in the Khibiny mountains. Nikolay Aleksandrovich was going to stay here, only one summer season, but remained in these Northern climes for 29 years.

In August of the same year Avrorin presented to a group of scientists of the Kola branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences to discuss a thin little book, with the presence of 19 pages, which was presented the project "Polar-Alpine Botanical garden in the Khibiny". This project was supported by prominent scientists and approved by the local authorities. In October, the proper decision was made by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and Nicholas Alexandrovich was appointed Director of the Garden.
Almost to the end of the 90-ies Polar-Alpine Botanical garden in the Khibiny only one in the world was beyond the Polar circle.

Initially, Polar-Alpine Botanical garden was allotted a territory of about 500 ha, today it is 1670 hectares, 80 of which represents a Park area with greenhouses, nurseries and other exposures. Together with Avrorin since 1932 started working young professionals, in the past, students at Leningrad University, successfully completed.

In the summer of 1932 formed a unique collection of living plants, PABSI. The first samples were donated by the Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences and included representatives of 26 varieties of shrubs and more than 50 varieties of herbs. First, the samples were planted in small plots, which managed to win from the forest. Persistent and hard work of the first employees are created nurseries, paved network of trails.

In the prewar years, the Garden became known and acknowledged. Among his visitors many academicians and well-known figures of science. In the difficult years of the war, the Garden continues. All of his work at this time focused on the needs of the front. In the chemical laboratory of the Garden develop technologies for the processing of local fruit syrups, juices, jam without using sugar. The method of production of lichens from glucose syrup. Despite the hardships of war, the staff of the Garden were fully preserved collections and herbarium.

In 1946 the government has supported PABSI Finance and personnel, in connection with this significantly expanded the scope of research has increased the number of staff, joined the professionals. The status of the Institute, which is part of the Kola branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences was awarded the Garden in 1967.

In 1981, the 50th anniversary from the day of its Foundation, for all the merits of the Polar-Alpine Botanical garden-Institute was awarded the order "Badge of Honor". To the 70th anniversary set to the name of its founder N. And. Aurora.

Each year the Garden is visited by many thousands of tourists. In this place you can make acquaintance with the flora of different countries, with the specifics of their growth and development in very unusual circumstances, likely in the summer frosts, and snow. In special shows and nurseries presents a unique collection of plants ("Rocky garden", "Garden of snowdrops", "Living herbarium"). Tourists arriving from the most distant regions of Russia or even foreign countries, meet here with the plants growing in their homeland.

Also the Botanical garden invites visitors to take day trips to the greenhouse plants growing in the tropics and subtropics, in the Museum of history and development of the Botanical garden. Will acquaint tourists with the different altitudinal vegetation zones of the Khibiny mountains excursion along the ecological path.

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