The Krakow national Museum Photo: Krakow national Museum

National Museum of Krakow, the Museum of art, located in the Polish city of Krakow.

The national Museum was established in 1879. Originally the Museum was housed on the upper floors of the Cloth hall in the main square in the Old town. The collection was assembled gradually, mostly, it consisted of gifts of artists and collectors. These were artworks and sculptures by Polish artists of the 19th century, and European authors. In the early 20th century, the Museum began to collect and other valuable artifacts: coins, archaeological and ethnographic finds, historical documents. The first Director was appointed Vladislav Luckevich artist and historian. He organized several exhibitions, including a commemorative exhibition dedicated to Kosciuszko and John Kochanowski. Under the leadership of the next Director – Felix Corega, the Museum's collection consisted of more than 100 thousands of valuable specimens. When Corega created the first branches of the Krakow Museum.

The construction of a modern building for the Museum began in 1934, but was interrupted by the Second world war. The building was fully completed only in 1992.

During the war the collection was looted by German troops. After 1945 the Polish government returned captured many of their exhibits. Nevertheless, more than 1000 papers have remained lost.

Currently the Museum consists of 21 departments, which are divided into different periods in art, 11 galleries, 2 libraries. It contains 780000 art, particular emphasis is placed on Polish painting.

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