The Neanderthal Museum in Krapina Photo: Museum of the Krapina Neanderthal

The Krapina Neanderthal Museum since its opening in 2010, causing much attention from tourists and residents. It happens not only due to the specific themes of the Museum, but thanks to the extraordinary ways of the presentation of the exhibits.

Dwelling Neanderthal was discovered in 1899 near hill Chesnokovo in the geological and paleontological research. In the sand layers at the depth of 8 meters were found fossilized human bones, they belonged to individuals of different sex and age (from two to forty years). Also found were stone tools belonging to the Paleolithic.

The authors of the project of the Museum paleontologist James Radovic and architect željko kovačić - tried to approximate the visitors of the Museum to the era of stone age people who lived here long before the advent of modern cities. The Museum is a kind of time machine that opens a lot of details about the existence of man on earth, with an emphasis on time of the Neanderthals.

The Museum building is located near world-famous attractions – cave dwelling humans. The architectural idea of the building is quite original: the building also resembles a cave, sunk in the hill, and the glass facade, which reflects the growing in front of the forest enhances the feeling of unreality.

In the interior of the Museum is also used a lot of mirrors, through which visitors are transported to a distant time reality. Reinforce this feeling is lined with concrete and artificial stone walls of the Museum. On one of the glass walls projected a film about the daily life of the Neanderthals, and located behind the transparent screen people unwittingly become part of the audience what is happening in the movie action.

Some halls of the Museum is arranged like a maze, leading visitors further and further away from the modern world. As you descend, you change the colors, the sounds, the rhythm and the atmosphere, even the shape of the rooms. All this symbolizes the development of the human race.

The exceptional richness of the results of scientific discoveries made in this territory in the XIX-XX centuries, expanded the idea of modern science about the stone age and the history of mankind, and the surrounding area of the hill Rusnakova, according to the National Institute for nature protection, was recognized as a valuable historic and natural object, and taken under state protection.

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