Army Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky Photo: Army Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky

Army Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky, like most religious buildings in the former Soviet Union, has a long and complex history. Built according to the project Kuban architects brothers Ivan and Elisha Blueberries educated at the St. Petersburg Academy of arts. Was founded in the spring of 1853, and sanctified only through long nineteen years – in 1872 because of the Crimean war and lack of funds for construction. But having opened for the believers, he showed a real masterpiece of the Cathedral of the Byzantine-Russian style. Having a clear plan of an equilateral cross with five domes, crowned with gilded crosses, he impressed the visitors also rich interior with porcelain iconostasis and gilded stucco. The Cathedral was the first stone temple in Ekaterinodar.

When the Cathedral was acting military chorister choir, famous all over the Kuban, which became the prototype of the now famous Kuban Cossack choir. The temple were connected to all major and event Cossack troops, here was preserved the core values of the Cossack army ataman Mace, military flags, Royal Charter, Church books. The Cathedral in 1888 he took in the walls of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna, and sons Nicholas and George. In 1914, the Cathedral was visited by Emperor Nicholas II.

With the advent of atheism, the Church was closed (in 1929), wantonly looted, at one time there was a Museum of atheism in the name of I. Stalin, and in may 1932, it blew up. In 2003, the city authorities it was decided to rebuild the temple. At the end of may 2006 Metropolitan Kaliningrad and Smolensk Kirill consecrated resurgent Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. Today the military Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is the main Orthodox temple of the city.

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