The temple complex Mecina-JI Photo: the Temple complex Mecina-JI

The complex of temples, Mecina-JI temple is the center of Zen Buddhism Rinzai school in Japan. The same name is and the direction of the Rinzai teachings in which the wizard for a specific student selects certain koans and not offers to ponder over each of them. The Rinzai school owns three thousand temples and 19 monasteries throughout the country. In the ensemble of the Mecina-JI temple located in Northwest Kyoto, there are more than 50 Church buildings and other buildings.

The main temple of the monastery was founded in 1342 by a monk Kanzan-Again Janji. One of the temples of the Mecina-JI – Tizon widely known for the garden of stones, which is recreated in the 60-ies of XX century drawings by the artist Kano Manitoba, who lived in the XV century. XV century, namely the war of Onin, which took place mostly on the territory of the Japanese capital of Kyoto, were devastating for the monastery. Many of his buildings were severely damaged, but after some time they were restored.

Tizon is a small temple complex, on its territory there are three gardens. Rock garden, which belongs to the medieval artist and Zen master Kano placed near the room of the Abbot of the temple. The stones here are the waterfall and the island Hori. The backdrop for stone landscape are evergreen pines and camellias. The garden is considered a very valuable heritage of the master.

Near Tizon is another rock garden, where you can see two of the story, embodied in stone and sand. In the first - stones lie on the sand pink color, its hue emphasize growing near the cherry trees, especially in the period of its flowering. In the second story used sand white.

The center of the composition of the third garden of the temple Tylosin called Yoko-EN is a waterfall that drains into a pond, surrounded by flowers and plants. The author of this garden is the architect of Nakane Kinsaku that laid the garden in the mid 60-ies of the last century.

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