Arco Photo: Arco

The Arco is located on the right Bank of the river Sacra, in the place where the valley starts to widen and stretches to the shores of lake Garda. Just 5 km away are the famous tourist resorts of Riva del Garda and Torbole.

Arco is divided into two parts: at the foot of the cliff, where are visible the ruins of an ancient castle, the historic city centre with its elegant buildings, and to the West stretches a new part of the city. Thanks to the "protection" of the mountains from the North and the waters of Garda in the South of Arco boasts a mild climate throughout the year, ideal for growing olives, magnolias, Laurel, cacti, palms and other plant species typical for the Mediterranean.

Archaeological excavations in the region, found here traces of settlements of the Neolithic and bronze ages. There were the Romans. For centuries, Arco was attacked by the Goths and Lombards, until in the 11th century it became an independent commune, and in the following century came into the possession of the counts of Arco. Several times in the years of bloody strife between the Guelphs and Ghibellines, the city has been destroyed. In 1703 Arco seriously suffered from the invasion of the French, who literally dismantled his castle, and in 1804 the town was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Only in 1918 it became part of United Italy.

Today in the heart of Arco located public Park with a monument to the local artist Giovanni Segantini, the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, fountain Мозè, City Hall, and Palazzo Giuliani. Nearby stands the Palazzo Marcaroni, which contains frescoes of Dionysius Sanmartini the 16th century. And in the former building of the municipal Casino today variety of cultural activities. In the town of Largo Pina in the middle of the 19th century was built a luxurious Villa, where he lived the Austrian Archduke albert. To the North of the Villa is a Park in his name. There lie the ruins of a medieval castle. If you go towards the bridge through the river valley, you can come to the Palazzo dei Panni, which is now occupied by the city library and exhibition halls. And in the village of Ceola stands the Shrine of the Madonna delle Grazie, built in 1492 by Franciscan friars.

Summer walks around Arco will give travelers breathtaking views. The city is almost surrounded by picturesque olive groves, in one of which hid the Church of the Madonna del Legal. Hikers should definitely visit the shelter climbers of San Pietro or to climb a mountain Monte Stivo. On the beaches Arco Windsurfing, diving, swimming or sailing. In the winter, on the Monte Stivo open ski slopes, which are considered quite extreme.

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