Island Klichen Photo: Island Klichen

Island Klichen is a small island on lake Seliger, located one kilometer from the Ostashkov. The island is a natural monument.

The area of the island Klichen is 89 hectares, it has a varied terrain mostly hilly. On the island in miniature, you can see the whole of nature Seliger region, so the island is unique. On the island you can find and pine forests, and mixed impenetrable forest, and birch and relict Rowan grove. The island has beautiful inland lake. The forest here is rich cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries. On the island there is a small lake.

Island Klichen is a popular holiday destination of ostashkova, with island connects earth-fill dam.

On the island known people sites of the Neolithic period, people lived here for 2-3 thousand years BC In the Northern part of Licena after heavy rains nowadays you can still find pieces of pottery and flint tools, used by our ancestors.

Most of all, the island is famous due to located in the northwestern part of the island to the town Klichen. Klichen treated Suzdal Principality and it's strategic importance, as it gave them the ability to control "suregery trade route from Novgorod in the Russian principalities of Central Russia. In 1371 Licenskey fortress called the center of a large parish. Its population is hunted and fished on the shores of lake Seliger. The name "Klichen", according to legend, comes from the word "cry". According to one version, the islanders complained held by Seliger waterways commercial vessels. When they appear on the lake over Seliger echoed the cry, and the islanders began the attack on the merchants. According to another version, the cry was heard during the attack of enemies, and the local population took refuge under the walls of the fortress.

The Novgorodians wanted to keep control of their trade routes, they liked the fact that there is a town out of their control. In the second half of the 14th century Klichen was attacked several times as a result, he was completely destroyed. Residents of Klichen, according to legend, survived only one fisherman Eustace Ostashko, which moved to the site of the present town of Ostashkov. It is his surname, and was called the city.

In the Soviet period on the island wanted to build the cottage, but the plans were never implemented.

From Ostashkov to Klichen through the Peninsula Rye is asphalt road, but the entrance of conventional transport prohibited here. The island is accessible only by foot. On Clucene it is forbidden to cut trees and make fires, garbage has special containers.

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