Kamares Aqueduct Photo: Kamares Aqueduct

The famous Kamares aqueduct, also known as the aqueduct of Bekir Pasha, located on the outskirts of Larnaca is one of the most popular tourist cities of Cyprus. It was created when this settlement, at the time it was called the Rock, was under the control of the Ottomans, on the initiative of the ruler of Abu Bekir Pasha and his own funds in 1746-1747.

The name of "Kamares" (from Greek "arch") it is very suitable – aqueduct has a length of over 10 kilometers and consists of 75 high arches. The 3 "bridge", 32, 12 and 31 arch is to ensure that the water remained at the same level in those places where the aqueduct had to lay in the ravines. This solved one of the main problems of the city, associated with lack of water, before this, people had to bring water from a source located a few kilometers from the village. And after the completion of the water from the river Tremithos the aqueduct came, directly to Larnaca. Such a system townspeople used until 1939, when, at last, there was built a modern water supply system.

Unfortunately, up to now the Kamares only partially preserved after the city started to get upset, the aqueduct was badly damaged. Therefore, in the Larnaca municipality has established a special Committee consisting of specialists of different directions, which should take care of this architectural and historical monument. In addition, active work to stop the building of nearby Kamares and turning this area into a tourist pedestrian zone.

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