Museum of the middle ages in the castle of Limassol Photo: Museum of the middle ages in the castle of Limassol

The medieval Museum is located in Limassol city fortress – famous limassols the castle. It is a short distance from the old harbour in the historic centre of the city.

According to research, the fortress itself was built on the site of an earlier Byzantine castle, where king Richard the Lionheart, as it is believed, married Berengaria of Navarre. About the history of new castle is known not so much. Presumably it was built by the Lusignans at about the end of X century. Later, in the XVI century, the fortress was completely destroyed by one of the earthquakes. The Turks managed to restore it, but the importance of strengthening steel is much less – from the original Fort there were only a couple rooms of the first floor.

The basis of the collection of the Museum located in the fortress, became part of the Museum of Cyprus, dedicated to the Medieval period. Later, she already began to grow with new exhibits, collected in different cities of Cyprus, including Nicosia.

So, now in the Museum store items that are significantly beyond the time frame originally selected period – exhibits date back to the III-XVIII centuries CE, It and weapons, glassware and ceramics, clothing, coins, lamps, jewelry and ornaments, tools and work tools, objects of worship, as well as fragments and debris of the buildings of the Byzantine era, including fragments of wall paintings, executed in the technique of sgraffito.

Special attention when visiting the Museum of the middle Ages should be taken on tombstones brought from ancient temples Nicosia and Famagusta.

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