Carnage Photo: Carnage

Kernave is a unique place, the existence of which we acquaint ourselves with the wonderful lost civilization and culture. Only here you can see the important stages of human development. In Kernave, the first capital of Lithuania, is a complex of five settlements in the Baltic States. Famous State reserve is located on the right Bank of the river Neris, in thirty-five kilometers from Vilnius.

In this place you can trace the history of formation and development of the Baltic peoples, learn the history of the formation of the Lithuanian state. In the Reserve found the unique traces of ancient cultures, ranging from the 10th century BC to the middle Ages. Already in the first centuries of our era, in the valley of Paute formed large settlements. In order to defend against enemies from outside and built the Fort. Settlement, as the only type protohistorical settlements existed in Lithuania since the bronze age to the end of the 14th century. In the country there are about a thousand sites, but precisely this complex of five adjacent settlements do not exist anywhere else in the Baltic sea region. Settlement is the most valuable and the most important element of the reserve carnage. It is living proof of natural and historical processes of human development and its age-old activity.

The mention of Kernave in writing meets for the first time in the annals of the city of Wartburg and in the Livonian rhymed chronicle 1279. It is known that in the 13th century it was a city with a feudal society. At that time in the city was great princely castle and five castles set high on the hill. They have all been combined into a single defense streak. The settlement was formed on the natural landscape elevations, of course, being completed by people. Now from feudal city preserved the majestic hills of the mound, overgrown with lush grass of the hill. The grass here is special color, bright green. The impression is that this grass can only be here.

In 1390 the village was attacked by the crusaders and burned it to the ground. For a long time this place was deserted, so over time the remains of the old town hid under a thick layer of alluvial land. These bedspreads natural canned all the organic matter. Thus, the traces of its inhabitants was preserved incorrupt and today they are discovered by the archaeologists during the excavation. In these cultural layers archaeologists for over 30 years get invaluable information. All archaeological finds collected in Karnauskas historical and archaeological Museum in numerous unique collection. Since 2005, tourists can spend time, involved in archaeological excavations.

In addition to archaeologists, here comes a constant stream of historians, researchers, cultural heritage, and tourists.

In addition, hill-FORTS, attention of tourists and remains of wooden buildings, ancient Church, and the remaining foundations of former buildings. Here you can admire the wooden octagonal chapel built bishwadeep way, or the old water mills. In open terrain Park of wooden sculptures. Unusual and unusual things can be found here at every step, starting from the entrance of the ancient city. The gate is a statue of a knight-a wolf in armor.

Many tourists try to come here at the beginning of July, the day of the State. At this time in Kernave celebrate "Days of live archaeology", organized a Grand presentation, while demonstrating old crafts, concerts of ancient music. During the festival the audience can participate in a variety of medieval games such as javelin, riding in knight's accoutrements horse riding, archery. From different countries come clubs military Affairs, to demonstrate his martial art.

Another large and crowded festival celebrated in the valley Party, it ionenes or the day of Ivan Kupala. In this day of organized activities that are associated with ancient customs and rituals. Another spectacular celebration organized annually at the end of August this neo-folkloric festival of the Baltic States.

Kernave included in the list of masterpieces of the world heritage values of UNESCO.

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