The Church Of Santa Cruz Photo: Church Santa Cruz

The Church of Santa Cruz was built by Jesuit monks in 1608 as the parish Church for Chinese immigrants in Manila, many of whom accepted the Christian faith. When the Jesuits were expelled from the Philippines, the Church passed into the possession of the friars-the Dominicans. The Church building was almost twice destroyed by earthquakes and was seriously damaged during the famous Battle of Manila in February 1945, which put an end to almost three years of occupation by the Japanese.

When in 1571, Manila was declared the capital of the Philippine archipelago, it became transformed into the likeness of a medieval European city with churches, palaces and town halls built in the Spanish Baroque style. The present building of the Church of Santa Cruz, renovated in 1957, restored to its original form. However, in his tower you can see traces typical Asian architectural style. The altar of the Church at first glance it seems somewhat understated, but his lighting design beautifully.

The Church of Santa Cruz is located in the Plaza Lacson (formerly Square Goyte), close to the famous Fountain of Carriedo, built in 1882 in honor of "the greatest benefactor of the Philippines" Francisco Carriedo, which donated 10 thousand pesos for the construction of the first metro Manila water system.

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