Mugla Photo: Mugla

The city of muğla is the administrative capital of the district, which includes some of the most important tourist centers in Turkey. However, there are rarely vacationers and travelers. The reason probably lies in the fact that most tourists often stay identified with the sea. But despite this, still it is necessary to allocate at least a day to visit Mugla. Guests of the city who came here for a couple of days and staying at one of the local hotels, which are located in the center, will be able to explore the city and surrounding areas, get a lot of impressions.

Situated in Mugla amazingly beautiful valley surrounded by mountains, Homorous, Karadag and Masa. It extends up to the slopes of mount Asar (Hisar). Mugla is the center of the province, which is famous for its forests and figs. The Muslim city is from the beginning of IX century - first tried the famous Caliph of Baghdad Harun al-Rashid, who sent its forces here, and then Seljuks. Of course, there is the presence of old Turkish mansions.

The population of this picturesque town with a lovely market and narrow alleys approximately 36 000 people. White house located in the old quarters, are distinguished by their large overhanging roofs. They are considered the most beautiful in Turkey.

A large number of outstanding examples of works of civil architecture is located in the centre of the city. For their inspection is better to go to the Arasta area. In the Arasta there are a large number of shops as shoemaking, furriers, restaurants and fountains in the squares. This area is like froze at the turn of the twentieth century. Here you can find rows of stalls and shops selling all kinds of Souvenirs. Hungry, you can visit locanto (local tavern). In the menu you can find such usual for this area serves as keskek or dash-dolmasy - stuffed breast in sour sauce. Definitely take the chance to try them. Also do not forget about dessert.

The Central square is traditionally the statue of Ataturk. There is still functioning baths 13th century and the main mosque of the 14th century.

Ulu mosque Jamii is the oldest structure in the city. In 1344 Ulu founded jamii Ibrahim Bey Menteseoglu. Throughout its history, the mosque was rebuilt.

Like many mosques at that time, she has a large square inner hall with dozens of columns supporting a bare arches. The only hint of luxury are stalactites adorn its Central hole for the light. The mihrab (prayer niche in the wall of the mosque) rhythmic rows of columns (seven rows by six columns) diverge around a strange wooden dome with two Windows.

Ulu Jamii is the most famous and one of the oldest mosques in Turkey. It has an original design with the use in the construction of both Byzantine and more ancient architectural styles. The mosque is attractive due to its elegant structure and environment arched doors delicate stone carvings.

In the old prison building, behind the building, where the court, now houses the Museum. Most of the exhibits are located in hall, consist of findings produced in the ancient city Stratonikya during the archaeological excavations. Here you can see the fossilized remains of prehistoric plants and animals. For the first time such remains are found in the town of Teruel in Spain, so all subsequent called turlinski. In the village itself Ozlyudzhe organized the so-called Turlinski Park. You should not ignore the ethnographic Department, which will introduce you to traditional household items and folk costumes characteristic of the local residents.

Houses in Mugla has received great fame, they even started to create layouts for sale to interested tourists. This tradition was founded by the architect Ertugrul Aladag about four years ago. The first model ahlskog house in his performance exhibited currently at the Museum of the city Ford-Lauderdale in the United States. The architect has organized workshops, continuing his endeavor, and today visitors can buy cute little layout ahlskog house.

If you manage to get in Mugla on Thursday, don't miss the chance and wander through the street market. Here, together with lots of cheap fruit and vegetables, sell traditional products: amazing openwork lace made with needle and crochet homespun matter and of them sewn items, Souvenirs and carpets.

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