The Islamic art Museum and Majorelle garden Photo: Islamic arts Museum and Majorelle garden

More than half a century a unique business card Marrakech is the Majorelle gardens. This small garden annually hosts more than half a million visitors. The Creator of this amazing garden was a French painter Jacques Majorelle, who was also a passionate botanist and collector of plants. For the first time in 1919 by visiting Morocco, French is so sincerely was captured by the beauty of this country that have decided to purchase a piece of land, where he soon built a house and planted a garden.

Due to their excellent knowledge of exotic plants Jacques Majorelle was able to collect in your garden an amazing collection of flora from all continents of the globe. Of all his many travels he brought back new plants, which are carefully planted on the site. In 1947, the garden welcomed its first visitors.

After Majorelle's death in 1962, the garden gradually began to decline and even had suggestions about its demolition. Fortunately, the whole area was purchased by the famous French couturier Yves Saint Laurent, which not only saved the creation of Majorelle, but was restored and improved it.

And today many visitors can be seen in the garden of Majorelle more than 350 species of unique plants and flowers. Here is a wonderful collection of North American and Mexican cacti, various palm trees and bamboos, Asian lotuses and many other wonderful plants. At the entrance to the garden has a beautiful fountain, it stretches a little shady bamboo alley with cozy benches for rest. On the main Avenue that leads to the house is long pond and a green arbour, made in the traditional Moroccan style.

Today in the old Studio of Jacques Majorelle, painted in bright blue color is the Museum of Islamic art. Here, besides the beautiful works of Islamic art, also presents a unique French watercolor artist, dedicated to Moroccan nature, and private collections of Yves Saint Laurent.

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