The Belarusian Bolshoi theatre of Opera and ballet Photo: Belarusian Bolshoi theatre of Opera and ballet

The national academic Bolshoi Opera and ballet theatre of the Republic of Belarus is the largest theatre in the country and the only Opera theatre of the Republic of Belarus. The theatre's history includes many of the most dramatic pages.

The building was built in the oldest district of Minsk – the Trinity suburb. Construction began in 1934 and continued until 1937. The project of the building of the theatre was designed by architect I. G. Langbard popular in those years the style of Soviet constructivism. At this time the country was going through difficult times, and yet, the building was completed.

The theatre was opened in may 1939 with the premiere of the Opera by E. Tikotsky "Michas Podgorny". In the short-lived pre-war time theatre had glorified his fame went all over the country.

The great Patriotic War did not spare the building of the theatre – the first bombing of Minsk in the building, which was a good target, aviation bomb fell and was thoroughly damaged by the theatre. In the years of occupation, the Nazis set up the stable. However, the troupe had to evacuate. The artists performed in the rear, inspiring the soldiers to his feat inspired the game.

Immediately after the liberation of Minsk in 1944, in the theater building restoration work began. The war is not yet over. The country was desolated by famine, was a terrible devastation, but the country's leadership understood the importance of the restoration of the Belarusian national theater. Immediately after occupation has returned to Minsk theater company that first performed at the Officers.

In the Soviet Union of Belarusian academic Bolshoi Opera and ballet theatre was highly valued not only brilliantly-chosen creative team, but also an innovative approach to art. The theatre has set itself difficult, but noble purpose is to build the Belarusian national repertoire.

In the difficult postwar years the building of the theater was painstakingly restored. Were restored as the appearance and luxurious interiors, stunning for its magnificence. Improved audience – he became more comfortable and modern, built tiered balconies. After the reconstruction, the theatre was opened only in 1948. Around the theater, instead of a large and unkempt market, was a charming garden, once designed by architect I. G. Langbard. Initially, the project was not fully implemented because of lack of funds.

Now the beautiful theatre building surrounded by a garden and Park. Its facade is guarded by four muses: calliope – the patron of epic, Terpsichore – the patron of the ballet, Melpomene – the patron of the theatre and Polyhymnia – the patroness of poets, creators of the hymns. The Central facade is one of the most beautiful in Minsk fountains.

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