Imperial Palace Haze Photo: Imperial Palace Haze

Imperial Palace Haze-Kyu was the northernmost point of the city Haze, which was the capital of the ancient Japanese state in the eighth century. The construction of the ancient capital was started in 708 in the Northern part of Nara basin, in the South-West of the modern city of Nara. Role of the capital city Haze-ke (translated as "Citadel capital of the world") served to 784 of the year, when the capital was moved to the city of Muko. Construction on the new place lasted ten years, but to no avail, and so in 794 was built "capital of the world" Heian, later Kyoto.

The city Haze was designed on the principle of a chessboard is a Chinese system of urban planning. A model for Haze (and then to Heian-Kyo) was Chang'an, the capital city of the Tang dynasty. From the height of the city Haze looked like an irregular rectangle. Its area was approximately 24 square kilometres and the population at the best of times reached 100 thousand people.

Two years after construction began, the Imperial court had moved to his new residence – the Palace Haze-Kyu. Main street – the Avenue of the red Phoenix – started from the gate Rozeman, passed through the Central part of the city and ended at the gates of the Imperial Palace Suzakumon. Avenue divided the city into left and right sides, each of which was their market. Other avenues and streets divided the left and right parts on the blocks-rectangles. In the mid-eighth century to the right side was attached to the so-called external area, next to which the monastery was built to the todaiji temple - the main Buddhist Shrine of ancient Japan.

Imperial Palace occupied an entire block in the Northern part of the city. It was surrounded by earthen shaft height of 6 meters and a width of about three meters. On the territory of the Palace quarter was a Large reception hall, the residence of the Emperor, the buildings of ministries and agencies, as well as servants quarters. The entire complex was located on an area of over one square kilometer.

For the construction of the Palace complex of the hands of ordinary people cleared a large area. From the mountainous areas along the rivers delivered the wood, and on the slopes of the surrounding hills were built the kiln for firing of tiles, which you had to make about 6 million units. All these plates to the building site peasants wore on their backs.

Next to the Imperial Palace was inhabited by the noblest and close to the court of the townspeople. The rank of official also affect the amount allotted him a plot. The courtiers of the highest rank could build up to several tens of thousands square meters, and such estate with many buildings reminiscent of the city in the city.

While Haze-ke was considered the capital, in the city continuously, built churches, only the public were more than forty.

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