Battery Park Photo: battery Park

Battery Park is the oldest place in new York, the city began. This is an amazingly beautiful, well-groomed and attractive green area on the southern tip of Manhattan, is rich with monuments.

As you might guess, the Park is named after once stood here artillery batteries defending the city from the sea. From the XVII century there was built by the Dutch Fort Amsterdam, under the protection of his walls in 1625 white bought Manhattan from the Indians for 60 guilders. About this event resembles a flagpole that rises above the granite pedestal, on it carved Indian chief in feathers and European doublet, to the transaction.

Heir of the Fort was built in 1811, on the eve of the American-British war, the castle Clinton. Guns this time and did not shoot at the enemy, and in 1855, the castle became the centre for the reception of immigrants. Eight million people set foot here for the first time on American soil, until in 1890 the government had not handed over the admission of immigrants to Ellis island. Then the castle houses the new York aquarium, but in 1941 due to the construction of a tunnel to Lower Manhattan – Brooklyn (he goes under the Park) he got evicted. Nowadays the castle is restored, he returned to the historical view, came back, and old cannons.

In the Northern part of the Park you can see the "Sphere" of the German sculptor Fritz Koenig – crumpled, torn balloon. The sculpture stood in the Plaza between the two towers of the world trade center and received the damage of September 11, 2001. Koenig intentionally did not correct them is the memory about the damage done to the city.

In the Park there are several war memorials: the Korean war veterans who died during the Second world sailors of merchant ships, soldiers who fell on the Atlantic coast of the US military sailors and merchant ships of Norway. Here is a monument to the Creator of the famous battleship "Monitor" John Ericsson and memorial plaque to Admiral George Dewey, the winner of the battle in Manila Bay.

The Park adjoins the Marina free ferries regularly departing on Staten island. From the Park you can also, on the ferry, to get to liberty island – the island on which stands the famous statue of Liberty. It is perfectly visible from the benches, standing on the embankment.

Since battery Park is located in one of the most expensive areas of the city with numerous offices, at lunch time here poured white-collar workers to eat their lunch in the fresh air. On the waterfront – the fishermen-fans, walk around moms with baby carriages, yachts are around the Bay with their white sails. An unusual attraction of the Park city farm, which accounts for 80 kinds of vegetables and fruits. Working here students. The real farm situated on the background of skyscrapers, looks unbelievable.

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