The fountain of the world Photo: fountain in the world

Fountain of peace in the courtyard of the Cathedral of St. John the divine on Amsterdam Avenue, a strange but interesting construction. If a tourist came to visit the Cathedral, it is useful to examine the fountain – it is the right of the entrance to the temple.

The fountain was created by American sculptor Greg Wyatt at the invitation of the parish of St. John the theologian and installed in 1985. Greg Wyatt works in an unusual manner, and claims that it is based on the philosophy of spiritual realism. Usually in the sculptures of Wyatt blend realism and abstraction. In the Fountain of the world they merged very effective way.

Bronze sculptural group, as the inscription on the legend plate celebrates the triumph of good over evil and is the warring parties – violence and harmony, light and darkness, life and death, primenyaemye God in His world. Welcome embodies the Archangel Michael – a muscular figure, huge wings stretched, holds the head of a stylized giraffe, one of the most peaceful animals. Evil is defeated – it explicitly says not so much lying at the feet of Michael's body of Satan as his head separated from the torso and hanging on long veins, claws cuts a giant crab.

Already some claws would be enough to ensure that the fountain was considered interesting, but Wyatt didn't stop there. His work is filled with many other characters in different poses galloping giraffes (nine), the Moon falls asleep smiling happily the Sun (they are large and flat), recline near the lion and the lamb, and the base of the fountain has the shape of the DNA double helix. But that's not all: there are the smaller sculpture depicting Gandhi, Socrates, John Lennon, Einstein, Noah's ark, as well as some demons and monsters.

Amazing variety of looks unexpectedly harmonious. While there is debate about what the meaning the author has put in his work, Christian or pagan, the local children love to walk in the garden and play around sculptures. But to enjoy the running water they can't – although it was expected that she would fall four cascades, causing thoughts of original chaos, the water in the Fountain of the world will never be.

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