The ancient city of Tamassos Photos: Ancient city of Tamassos

Just twenty kilometers South-West of Nicosia, you can see the ruins of the ancient city-state of Tamassos, which was once quite important administrative unit of Cyprus.

Scientists have not yet managed to find out anything specific about the history of Tamassos. About him, however, it is told in Homer's "the Odyssey", and is the oldest mention of the city. In addition, the Tamassos you can also find information in the annals of the Assyrian king Assarhaddon.

The first settlement appeared in the Chalcolithic era, as discovered during the excavation of burials and a variety of items. It is believed that originally it was a small village of farmers, which after some time turned into a big city with the opening of copper mines there. Copper subsequently became the chief wealth of Tamassos, the trade of which was the basis of its economy. And to the X century, after the depletion of the mines, the town gradually fell into decay.

Full-scale excavations on the site where once was located the village, was not carried out, since today there are villages Politico, Episkopi and Pen. However, even thanks to those few studies that did manage to spend, have been found valuable artifacts to learn more about the history of Tamassos. So, for example, were found in the Royal tombs, fortifications, works of art, installations and tools for processing copper and more. But the most significant findings were temples dedicated to Cybele (mother of the gods and Aphrodite. Not far from the latter was located and the necropolis of Tamassos.

Every year created at the end of last century Cultural Association of Tamassos organizes for local residents and tourists with a wonderful festival "Tamassia", whose main purpose is to draw attention to the cultural heritage of the region.

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