State historical Museum-reserve Photo: State historical Museum-reserve

State historical Museum-reserve in the city of Novorossiysk is the largest Museum of Russian black sea coast.

The Museum was founded in July 1916, thanks to the initiative of Vice-Governor of the black sea province of L. A. Senko-Popovsky as a Museum of the history and nature of the black sea coast. The exhibition was opened in December 1916 With the advent of Soviet power, the Museum was transferred to the city Council. Active participation in organizing the work of the Museum and the replenishment of his collection was taken by the writer F. V. Gladkov and Director V. E. Meyerhold

Before the great Patriotic war history Museum in Novorossiysk was the largest research and educational institution in the Kuban. The exposition of the Museum was housed in 16 halls. In the Museum at that time was kept around 7 thousand exhibits, and scientific and historical library there were about 44 500 books. During the great Patriotic war almost all the Museum's collections were lost, premises destroyed, killed and also scientific library. Survived only a few boxes of collections of archaeology and documentary Fund, which was evacuated to Tbilisi.

The restoration began in January 1944 To may of the same year city Executive Committee has allocated for the Museum room in the house along the street communistic. After from Tbilisi were evacuated returned exhibits. Its doors to visitors and the Museum was opened in November 1944 To 1948, the Museum already had about 4435 exhibits. In 1958 the Museum was allocated a new room on the street of Councils, in which it is located until today.

In all the years of its existence, the institution changed its name several times. In October 1987, the city history Museum and national Museum of the 18th Army became part of the State historical Museum-reserve.

Stock collections, displays and exhibitions of the Museum gives a comprehensive and detailed picture of the history of the city of Novorossiysk and district, since the first human settlements on the territory of this region to the present.

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