St. George's Cathedral Photo: St. George's Cathedral

The Cathedral of St. George is located in the village of Staraya Ladoga, Volkhov district. It was built during the reign of Mstislav of Novgorod the Great in. Then it was decorated with extant (with the help of skill of the restorers) frescoes. The South aisle of the temple is decorated with images of the martyred soldiers: the Holy Efstathia Placidus, Sabbas Stratelates and an unknown Saint, whose name is printed on the mural (presumably Demetrios).

St. George temple, according to legend, was built in honor of the unknown victory of Russian troops over the enemy. It's no wonder the tract, near which a Church was built, and until the present time is called "Paradise". That is why the murals in the temple is glorified military exploits. Most researchers believe that the Cathedral of St. George was built in 1165-1166. He is the oldest extant churches of Old Ladoga. Often to commemorate military victories in ancient Russia erected temples. In this regard, it is possible that this temple in Ladoga fortress built to commemorate victory over the Swedes.

Military exploits depicted on the fresco of "St. George and the dragon. Her story came to us almost in full. Fresco is an ancient picture on the theme of victory in Russian monumental painting. The hero is depicted on a white horse tied with a red tail and a red mane, in military armor, with shield and spear. The right side shows the tower of the Palace, from which peep the Royal couple and their entourage. From under the hooves speaker solemnly horse George creeps reptile-like dragon with a burning eye, a horn and open mouth.

The author of the story, according to critics, is a great master of composition. He artfully combined into a single unit hidden in the details of the most powerful dynamics of the action of static and monumental. All these nuances of States can be clearly seen in the majestic figure of St. George and subtle, the slight movement of the Princess; through dying dying waves of the tail of the serpent and the stately gait of a horse to a dramatic sweep of star-shaped cloak, which resonates with the rhythmic steepness of the hills of Cappadocia is the place where the event occurred, which at first glance is perceived as monochromatic colour palette of the story actually reflects the whole range of skill of the author painting.

In addition, in St. George's Church is still preserved dome painting, which depicts a scene of the ascension of Christ with the Mother of God, apostles and angels. In the drum also preserved the images of the prophets. On the Western wall, according to tradition, accompanies coming out of Church painting of the last judgment. With the North wall on the residents of nautical and fishing the edge watching their patron Saint - St. Nicholas.

The abundance of ornaments is a typical decoration of the Russian Church. It was extremely to taste the Russian people and even in today's, the past century through the appearance, striking true fantasy master painting.

The frescoes were restored only in the early 20th century During the overhaul and the creation of multi-tiered iconostasis in the 16th century frescoes were barbarously plastered. Only in 1780 during the next repair were found fragments of ancient paintings. By order of the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Gabriel the entire plaster layer was repulsed. But ancient frescoes to restore at that time failed. To return the original appearance preserved frescoes were only able to 1927

Wall paintings George Church critics believed Korsunsky and Byzantine. But at the moment just proved that style of writing, the nature of the ornaments and inscriptions belongs to master newprogram. Most likely, these are artists of the same school who worked in the famous Church of the Savior on Nereditsa in Novgorod.

According to the legend, in the Church of St. George in Staraya Ladoga great Prince Alexander Nevsky consecrated his sword and praying before you go to battle with the Swedes.

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