The Church Demetrios Photo: Church Demetrios

The Church of Dmitiry of Thessalonica is located in Staraya Ladoga – known place, steeped in traditions and legends. The first mention in the Chronicles of Staraya Ladoga Dating in 862 G. much earlier than other Russian cities. It is here called to the reign of the founder of the first dynasty of Russian tsars – Rurik. In 1114, here was founded the first in Russia stone fortress. Built in 1164 in the fortress of St. George's Cathedral, Alexander Nevsky prayed for the victory of the Russian troops.

The Church Demetrios refers to an ancient type of wooden temples. It is built in the form of log constructions of buildings, it is based on the same structural and compositional techniques in the peasant's hut.

The first in Russia temples were built in 10th century Kiev Byzantine masters. Saint Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod was built of stone in the mid 11th century But not all the architects of the people could get to know, and then take on the tradition of Byzantine Church architecture, etched in the stone churches of Novgorod and Kiev. For this reason, the first churches in Russia has inherited the usual peasants and housing were cut in the form "cages" – a simple rectangular log cabins – "quadrangles". The wooden altar in the churches was also administered rectangular, the edges didn't cut. Only dome with a cross was a sign of a functional purpose such constructions.

The Church Demetrios built in the early 17th century, after the liberation of lake Ladoga from the Swedes. Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica, and Saint George, the Slavs have long enjoyed special veneration. One of the first references about the Church meets in 1646 in census books, but the temple was built before about 1612-1613, in those days, Ladoga was rebuilt after the destructions of the time of Troubles. Being winter (warm) Church under George's Church, Church Demetrios was a part of the St. George monastery. The monastery was founded in 1146, in 1764 it was abolished by the decree of Catherine II.

The first Church because of disrepair was demolished, and on this place at the request of the parishioners built a new one that is an exact copy of the previous. Old, but buildable logs used for the construction of the new Church, and the burned. In 1901 the Church was again demolished by reason of dilapidation, but after six months under it summed stone Foundation and then reassembled. New Church as well as in the details copied the previous one. Individual parts, preserved from the old building, took its place in the new Church. This – lattice Windows, parts of a porch, carved fascia boards, lock, door deck with canvas. Through the use of old parts, extant Demetrius Church has preserved the forms initially established a temple here.

The temple consists of three stands: the Church, the altar and the refectory. On the West side of the Church added the canopy, over the porch of which is arranged a canopy, shaped like a barrel, which is supported by two carved columns. The Church, refectory and canopy have high gable roof, altar covers the roof of five rays, which repeats the shape of its frame. The Church roof is raised over the entire roof, which is crowned with a cupola, consisting of the neck, and the crown, ending with a cross.

The roof of the Church is made of red TES, which on the end has decorative cutouts. Under him in the old days was laid a layer of birch bark, and under it was an extra layer of planks. Saw in the Russian North was not used until the mid-18th century, and in some places until the early 20th century, so the production of TES was a very time consuming process: the beam was placed on the ground and was cut into wedges, then cut to the required thickness. Cupola of St. Demetrius Church covered with aspen shingles in "scales". In the architectural decoration of the temple is not a single part that is only a decoration.

Now inside the Church is a small Museum of local lore. Opening sheathed iron door, get into the passage, where, after you pass into the refectory hall of the Church. The chancel is separated by the main wall with the doorway from the main frame. There is speculation that the Royal gates have survived from the first Church Demetrios, or were transferred here from some ancient temple, as they date back to the early 16 th century.

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