Castle Kunětická Hora Photo: Castle Kunětická Hora

On a high cliff above the town of Staré hradiště there is a beautiful castle with a high round tower, surmounted by a gabled roof. The castle is visible from afar, but with its walls offer a wonderful review that was probably the main advantage of this elevated position when selecting a place for its construction.

The castle was erected in the XIV century by the Czech king and performed purely a security feature. In 1420, his fate changed dramatically: it became a stronghold of the Hussite armies and residence of one of the rebel commanders of Divis of Boruca. The commander turned the castle into a well-fortified building, where he could hide a large number of people. After the Hussite wars the castle, as well as several adjoining villages remained in the ownership of Boruca. Some time later, the castle was bought by king George of poděbrady, whose descendants suggested that the possession of the family of pernstejnem. Representatives of this family were rich and spared no expense on the renovation of the castle kunětická Hora. The main Palace during the time of their Board acquires the features of the Renaissance and the castle tower appears, now a viewing platform.

In 1645 the glorious history of the local castle comes to an end: he must be destroyed by the Swedes. It would have stood romantic ruins, overgrown with ivy, if the Czech government in the early twentieth century did not pay attention to the abandoned object. The castle was repaired and made it a Museum.

This castle will appeal to people interested in history and military Affairs. In excellent condition are defensive fortifications. Interesting and will be visiting an old chapel.

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