New Jewish cemetery Photo: the New Jewish cemetery

In the South of Pardubice is an extensive cemetery, which is still in use today. In its North-Eastern part is the Jewish cemetery, now called New. Actually, this is an old cemetery where people were buried even in the last century. It was founded in 1883.

In many Czech cities, including in Pardubice, before the Second world war lived in a large Jewish community, who built their own residential neighborhoods, synagogues and smashed the cemetery. On the territory of the Pardubice there was a large Old Jewish cemetery that was closed when a New. Some families wished to move the graves of their ancestors to the new location. Till our days there were 7 ancient tombs, which formerly stood in the Old cemetery. The most ancient monument dated to the year 1739. He is well preserved and will be of interest to history lovers.

New Jewish cemetery consists of 400 graves, over which a memorial plate with the epitaphs and names. Some of them are in terrible condition, since a long time have not been rehabilitated.

In the wall surrounding the cemetery are also buried. On the territory of the Jewish cemetery can be found the final resting place of the 7 victims of the Nazi camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. Near their graves is a memorial dedicated to all victims of the fascist regime. It was installed in 1948. Here is the hall of memory, where the main exhibit is a sign indicating the number of local Jews who perished during the Second world war.

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