Pylos Photo: Pylos

Pylos is a small town in the Peloponnese. It is located in one of the best natural harbours of the Mediterranean, the picturesque Bay of Navarino and is its main port. In the history of the city is also widely known under the name of Navarino. Local residents often call it "the Neokastro".

The region has been inhabited since prehistoric times. In the Mycenaean era, there stretched possession of the legendary king Nestor's Palace which was discovered 17 km North of the modern Pylos archaeologists Konstantinos, Coronation and Carl Blegina in the first half of the 20th century. In connection with the reconstruction of the Palace of Nestor is temporarily closed to the public (presumably before the end of 2014).

Starting around the second half of the 7th century BC, in ancient Pylos was dominated by Sparta. In 425 BC during the Peloponnesian war in the Bay of Navarino took place the famous naval battle between the Spartans and Athenians, known in history as "the Battle of Pylos", in which the earth at some time came under the control of Athens. After the signing of the so-called "Nikiema world" Pylos returned to Sparta.

Despite the very turbulent times and complex political games that often led to military action, in the Hellenistic and Roman periods Pylos flourished. Well-sheltered Bay of Navarino has always been an important strategic target and were of great interest for conquerors and in the following centuries: here in turn was dominated by the Byzantines, Franks, Venetians, Ottomans and finally the Greeks. In 1827 the Bay of Pylos was the scene of another famous naval battles – the battle of Navarino.

Today Pylos attracts tourists with its history, plenty of interesting attractions and, of course, magnificent natural landscapes and superb beaches. A lot of fun you get just walking through the cobbled streets of the old town, climbing the slopes of hills or picturesque waterfront. Be sure to walk around the square of the Three Admirals, and visit the Archaeological Museum and the Church of the assumption.

Among the most interesting places of Pylos and its surroundings special attention is given well-preserved Turkish Neokastro (1573), guarding the entrance to Navarino Bay on the South side. The ruins of the old fortress of Paleokastro, built by the Venetians in the 13th century, rising on a rocky cliff at a height of 200 m above sea level on the North side of the Bay. Although the ruins are not fenced, the area is considered dangerous and is officially closed to tourists. Near Paleokastro is the so-called "cave of Nestor", where according to legend king Nestor kept his cattle, and cunning Hermes hid the cow stolen from Apollo. Among the natural attractions is to provide an unusually beautiful Bay of Voidokilia beach (considered one of the most beautiful places of Greece) and Gialova lagoon is one of the most important wetlands of Europe and a Paradise for birdwatchers.

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