The Museum of Belarusian book-printing Photo: the Museum of Belarusian book-printing

The Belarusian book printing Museum in Polotsk was opened on 8 September 1990 to the 500th anniversary of the birth of Belarusian first printer, philosopher, educator Belarus Skarina. The Museum exposition is located in the former brotherhood school Epiphany monastery in Polotsk.

Polovine a creative approach to the design of the Museum, which was held under the guidance of artists S. Dmitriev and I. Kurilov. The Museum illustrates the process of manually rewriting of books and printing on the first printing presses. In the scriptorium (a special room, where he worked copyists of books) scientist sits a monk in a cassock and meticulously writes the sacred text with a quill pen. In vintage typography brigade printers work on early printed book.

The Museum also contains interesting specimens of all kinds of books: from ancient manuscripts and scrolls to contemporary books. In the process a fascinating tour have the opportunity to see the process of creating manuscripts and printed books, to compare and evaluate the contribution of pioneer, helped to facilitate the process and make it massive. Here we also have a large collection of writing instruments of all times and peoples.

The Museum exposition is located in 15 halls at 928 square metres, showcasing more than 2,500 of Museum exhibits.

Museum guided tours for adults and schoolchildren, most of which is conducted in their native Belarusian language. In addition to the permanent exhibition, there are interesting thematic exhibitions on books and printing.

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