The Church of the Intercession in Bolotovo Photo: Church of the Intercession in Bolotovo

The temple of the Holy virgin is located in the Pskov district, namely in the dogwood Bolotovo), formerly the churchyard of Snoozy. The first mention of the churchyard are 1585-1587 years, as it is narrated in Pskov Chronicles, as well as quit-rent books. The Church was built of slabs in the late 13th - early 14th century, but it is only presumably because the sources about the exact date and the customer has not survived to our days. Owned by the Church of the intercession of the earth was 57 acres. Since 4 August 1896 and 1898, on the funds of the Church's parishioners and benefactors was built a brick chapel, and significantly expanded the main volume of the Church; all work was conducted under the direction of civil engineer Bogdanov Nikolay Ilyich. In the fall of 20 September 1898 the consecration of the chapel in the name of the Transfiguration.

The Church tower, which originally existed in the form of a belfry, but in 1912 to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the Romanov family was again built of brick. Stone bell tower was equipped with four bells, unfortunately that had no labels, and also signs of weight. The first bell weighed about 13 pounds, the second - about 10; two pozvanka weighed about a pound each. Church parables consisted of a deacon, priest, prostorni and psalmists.

Immediately in front of the temple's beautiful gate open. In the Church there are two altars, the main one being consecrated in honor of the Holy virgin, and the side-altar was consecrated in the name of the Transfiguration. Around the perimeter of the territory stretched cemetery, which preserved the family burial-known and respected nobles Nasimovich. In the churchyard is buried the owner of the village Nazimovo - G. P. Nazimov.

Since the summer of 1820, each year the Church held a procession in memory of the great sign of the virgin, and also deliver all Pskov from Mora, held in the churchyard called Czerski. It is known that in 1420 the mother of God appeared in the sign in Chirskoy the Church when the icon came tears. On the proposal porkhovskogo and Pskov Bishop Paul's in honour of the famous wedding of Princess Maria Alexandrovna, who was the daughter of the Russian Emperor Alexander II, Duke of Edinburgh, at the end of January, 1874, was set flush from the temple of five rubles in the form of silver to help Elias community Pskov sisters of mercy. In the temple was the place to be mastopatiya icon depicting the face of Jesus Christ, who blesses duberstein; icon dates from the 15th century.

The parish had two chapels, built of wood; one of the chapels was in the village of Coccorino and was consecrated in honour of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and the second in the Large village of Passivity, consecrated in the name of the great Martyr St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki and is located in the cemetery.

In the middle of 1884 was established parochial guardianship to meet the needs of the Church of the Intercession. In 1888, became the head of the landowner Nazimov Mr Putin. With the support of guardianship in 1898, was completed the erection and consecration of the chapel in honor of the Transfiguration. When the Church was not hospitals, hospices or other charitable institutions.
August 6 and October 1, in the churchyard of Snoozy had been two quite numerous fairs. Pskovian merchants came here and arranged all sorts of activities, including riding on the carousel.

In 1805 the Church was 1755 parishioners, and by 1900 they became 3056. The parish population was often engaged in arable farming and flax. Priest of the Church was Peter Ivanovich, who was born in 1879 in the village, not far from Novgorod province. In 1909 he was put into deacon, and in 1911 – a priest in the temple churchyard Roznitsy. In the Church of the Intercession he served until March 5, 1917. In 1937 he was arrested and soon executed by sentence of 14 December 1937. Starting in may of 1917, when the Church served as a priest Vasily Nazareth. In 1942 the Pskov icon-painting Studio was re-painted iconostasis of the temple. Today the Church of the Intercession is valid.

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