Pskov academic drama theatre. A. S. Pushkin Photo: Pskov academic drama theatre. A. S. Pushkin

At the centennial anniversary of the birth of Alexander Pushkin, a decision was made on the construction of the theatre building in Pskov. Its original name, the people's house. A. S. Pushkin. The name of the theater has received, since the funds for its construction were raised by the residents of the province by subscription, meaning it was built with public money. Here he received his first name. The author of the project was assigned to architect from Pskov E. A. Germeyer. Despite the fact that the building was laid in 1899, the construction was carried out only in 1906. In the same year was the Grand opening of the theatre. In those days, at this stage it was possible to see the E. Korchagina-Alexander, V. Davydov, V. Holotova, A. Pirogov, V. Komissarzhevskaya, L. Mendeleev, F. Chaliapin, I. Sobinov, K. Varlamov, A. Duncan.

Soon after the revolution of 1917 the theatre was given a new name and became the Municipal theatre. In 1920 he again changed the name to Pskowski city drama theatre. A. S. Pushkin, and in 1939, Leningrad oblast drama theatre. A. S. Pushkin. Despite the frequent change of names, he still bore a "reasonable, good, eternal" for the audience, many of whom were regulars. However, the Second World war made life adjustments. During the occupation the Germans used it for their cultural events. There were concerts and tours of other theaters. And in 1944 during the bombing of the building was badly damaged. The theatre was devastated. Most of the property looted by the Nazis. Equipment and valuables were taken out to Germany.

After the war work began on the restoration of the theatre. In 1946 was overhauled. Soon the theatre was fully equipped and opened to the audience. He has found a second youth and once again became the cultural center of the Pskov intelligentsia. In 50-ies of the 20 century there began her creative path many famous artists of the Russian stage, among them national artists: E. Vitorgan, Rumyantsev, V. Azo and other celebrities. Many living actors now working successfully in well-known theatres of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Already in the 90 years of the 20th century, the theatre became famous in many cities and suburbs. The troupe is actively involved in international tours and festivals in Russia and abroad, especially in Europe. About the theatre Pskov know firsthand in many cities in Germany, UK, Netherlands, Finland, France, Baltic States and CIS countries – Ukraine, Latvia, Belarus.

Today in the Pskov theatre operates two national and eight distinguished artists. Despite the realities and difficulties of life today, the number of spectators has increased compared to previous decades.

Wonderful creative experiment of the Pskov drama theatre became his project "Carousel". He started in may 1988 and has been a huge success. This field performances under the open sky, which take place in historical places and monuments, most often dedicated to some holidays or historical events. With their performances, the theatre is involved in many international festivals in different cities of Russia and is very popular among viewers. Director of theatre "Carousel" is V. Radun, who, along with E. sislo works as a Director of the Pskov academic drama theatre. A. S. Pushkin. The Director is the last of V. Pavlov.

Another undoubted merit of the theatre – the active participation of students in its work. Thanks to the theatre Studio of the Pskov Polytechnic Institute, students have the opportunity to put their performances and even participate in regular plays academic drama theatre (in the extras).

The theatre is constantly updating his repertoire, including classical and modern performances, attracts audience with new creative discoveries and experiments.

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