Chucuito Photo: Chucuito

Chucuito is one of the most beautiful cities located on the shores of lake Titicaca. This small town lies on a plateau Callao at a height of 3 875 meters above sea level, 18 km from the town of Puno on the highway in the direction of Desaguadero.

On the road before entering the town of Chucuito in the rock on both sides of the road are carved two large faces of the Indians, who symbolize the passage to lake Titicaca. At first glance you might think that it's just the layout of Disneyland, but actually it is the work of the ancient stone carvers.

In pre-Columbian times in this place was the capital and largest city of the ancient Incas Lupakan. In the colonial era small town was a centre for the collection of taxes, it was still called "Royal savings Bank". It was created by processing plant silver ore brought from the mines of the mines of Potosi.

As the echoes of time, around Plaza de Armas you can still see traces of that era. The best example of the former wealth of this town are two of his Church in the Renaissance style: the Church of the Dormition (year 1601) and St. Dominic's Church (1639), now surrounded by winding cobbled streets and beautiful mansions in the Latin American style.

Among the main tourist attractions can be called Chucuito and sundials, which were a symbol of law and justice in the colonial era. Next to the clock are the ruins of the Temple of fertility ancient Inca Uyo. This is a small ruined stone building is rectangular in shape, inside which there are 80 monoliths in the shape of mushrooms of different sizes, stuck in the ground. Here was performed the rituals associated with fertility and birth.

A 5-minute walk from the main square Plaza de Armas is the Mirador de Chucuito. In this ancient ceremonial center of the pre-Columbian era, built of limestone and covered with clay tiles, currently are held ceremonies and carnivals. Through stone archways Mirador de Chucuito amazing views of lake Titicaca.

On the lake is the research center UNA, designed to fill several trout species that are under threat of extinction. The center is a fish farm where they raise trout, which is subsequently released into the lake.

Currently the town of Chucuito is a beautiful resort where many people tend to visit during the southern summer to relax and enjoy the cool waters of lake Titicaca.

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