Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk monastery Photo: the Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk monastery

Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk monastery is an Orthodox monastery located in the Pskov region, namely in the village of Pushkin Mountains. Svyatogorsk monastery was founded by the order of Tsar Ivan the terrible in 1569, and still have long been a part of the most revered monasteries in Russia. The monastery received free of charge a huge amount of gifts, the most valuable of which was a bell, donated by Tsar Ivan the Terrible, whose weight reached 15 pounds, and the gospel, granted by the Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. Today you can see some fragments of a bell which was cast by order of Abbot innocent in 1753 in Moscow.

Important changes was waiting for the monastery in the 18th century, when the Russian border was moved to the Baltic coast, but especially after the order of Catherine II, according to which the monastery became the ranks of third-rate abodes, and all his lands were ceded to the state Treasury. Since the 19th century, Church of the monastery was closely connected with the name of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The famous poet, being Michael, came here often in the difficult moments of his creative aspirations. When writing the drama "Boris Godunov" by Alexander sought the most historically true to move to pages the nature of their characters, that is why the poet spent much of his time in the monastery's library, studying Chronicles in the eyes of one of the "brotherly" buildings.

Around the perimeter of the monastery is surrounded by a stone wall. In the building of the monastery is a pair of gates, one of which Saints and others Pyatnitsky, which previously was located next to the lost Pyatnitskaya Church.

Near the gate stands the house of the Governor, which was built in 1911. Named in honor of the lost Church of St. Nicholas gate leading to commercial yard of the monastery. To the Petrovsky gate closely adjacent to the old stone cabin, designed for the gatekeeper. Stone stairs lead directly to the Uspensky Cathedral, and then to the family cemetery Pushkins-Hannibals. In the 18th century to the ancient assumption Cathedral were built two chapels – Odigitrievsky and intercession. In Odigitrievsky the chapel was the tomb of Alexander Pushkin on the night before burial.

At the Holy Dormition monastery in the family cemetery kind Pushkins-Hannibals there are graves of family members: grandfather of Pushkin – Ossip Abramovich, grandmother Maria Alexeyevna, mother – Nadezhda Osipovna and father Sergei Lvovich. In 1819, died Plato is the younger brother of the poet, who was buried in the assumption Cathedral.

It is Svyatogorsk monastery became the last home of the great poet. Winter 6 February 1837 after the memorial service, the poet buried near the altar wall. After four years there was a large marble monument, which was commissioned by the widow of Pushkin's Petersburg master of monumental works Permohonan A. M.. In 1924, the Church of the monastery was closed.

As is well known, a great number of monasteries more were injured in the continuation of the great Patriotic war. The assumption Cathedral was restored in 1949. This place was opened the exhibition, which was dedicated to the history of the monastery and the life, creativity, duels and the funeral of Alexander Pushkin.

In mid-1992 Sviatohirsk monastery was returned to permanent use by the Russian Orthodox Church. In the spring of may 29, with the participation of the Moscow Patriarch Alexy II in a solemn ceremony resumed service at the Holy Dormition monastery, in the Uspensky Cathedral.

At the moment the Cathedral works, and the adjacent area is actively used in collaboration with the Pushkin reserve, as well as the Diocese. Today the monastery is home to around 25 monks and novices, although in Pushkin's time, their number did not exceed ten people. The monks work on the monastery lands through agriculture. At the monastery there is a Church Sunday school. According to the Church blessing of the Abbot, the monks actively welcoming pilgrims. In the morning and evening, according to monastic Charter, conducted the service, with each day, the monks were conducting the funeral of the poet A. S. Pushkin called "kinsmen".

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