Museum Photo: the Museum of the Pushkin village"

Bugrovo village is located halfway between St. Michael and Svyatogorsk monastery. In Pushkin's time it was a small village of three houses. In modern times it appears to us in the form in which it knew Pushkin. A small number of households — a phenomenon typical of the Pskov province.

Museum "Pushkin village" is the only one in the Pskov region the Museum of wooden architecture, which is under the open sky. Museum complex tells the story of the Genesis of a wealthy peasant family of Pushkin's times. In this Museum visitors will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the Pskov farmer with his home as well as local arts and crafts.

The Museum is a village courtyard. The courtyard entrance is from the side of the road. Visitors are greeted by high gates. In the Museum, in Bugrovo recreated typical for that time "portrait" of the village. The house is located on a small hill. To the right is the indoor barn, on the left side - yard and standing in a number of buildings: barn, povety, stable. At the small pond located behind the house – bath, heating smoke. Further – selenic (the room where you store the hay and straw) and the largest peasant structure – the threshing floor of the barn. The threshing means for threshing and storage of grain.

The peasant houses porch leads into the hall. In the hall there is a hand mill to grind the grain, or perhaps Yuletide, to tell fortunes at her spouse, putting it between two millstones metal needle. In bugrovskoy the peasant's hut – two crates. In the first oven, heated with usual method black. Also in the house are a table, benches, wash-hand basin on the rope and towel on the nail. In one corner stands the tongs and wide hearth, which is lined with pots. In the next half – oven in white that has a chimney. There are attributes of the wedding ceremony, an old trunk, etc. Near the house there is a covered barn, near which is broken is not a very large vegetable garden.

Directly opposite the house is a barn was used to store oats, rye, peas and buckwheat. The barn primknut povety, a canopy that protects from rain and snow, tucked away under the roof of the wood-sledge, sleigh, cart. Behind the house is a small pond, and a bath with main attribute – a birch broom and the floor of the barn. It is noteworthy that the roof of the house and buildings are covered with straw, that in our time, of course, is surprising.

A link of the poet in Michael — it is a period of exploring the Creator's life in a Russian village. All that is presented in the Museum "Pushkin village" is seen in the works of Alexander Pushkin. In many poems, the poems and fairy tales of Pushkin shows the life of the peasant, there is a device peasant village, you can learn many of the attributes of peasant life.

Museum "Pushkin village" of interest to visitors of all age groups. Little visitors, literally and figuratively, have the opportunity to touch the Russian folk culture and get into the magical world of Pushkin's fairy tales. Visitors are older, namely pupils and students will learn in the Museum with a detailed subject review to a number of works by the great Russian poet. Adults will be able to take a fresh look at Russian history, seen through the prism of Pushkin's poetry. The Museum holds not only conventional, interactive and theatrical excursions, but also theatrical performances, the so-called "national holidays" calendar. Here are some of them: "It's Christmas time! What a joy", "egory vernal", "Semik-Trinity", "Three feasts of the Saviour" and others.

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