National Museum of Rome Photo: national Museum of Rome

National Museum of Rome – several museums in Rome, located in different buildings around town. Founded in 1889 to collect and store artifacts of the 5th century BC – 3rd century A. D. the Core of the Museum's collection was the collection of archaeological artifacts from the Museum of Kircheriano owned by the antiquarian Athanasius to Kircher. After Rome became the capital of the newly formed Italian Kingdom, in the city launched a massive operation on the layout of the streets. In the course of these works have found many ancient artifacts that have enriched the Museum's collection. It was assumed that it will be exhibited in the Museum of the Tiber (and not created), but in 1901, the government has allocated for the collection of the Villa Ludovisi, built on the site of the cloister of the 16th century. The latter was built by Michelangelo. The rebuilding of the Museum was completed in 1930-ies.

Today the collection of the former Museum of Kircheriano is stored in the Crypt Balbi in via Delle Bottega Oscure, 31. This crypt was discovered in 1981 during excavations between the churches of Santa Caterina dei Funari and the San Stanislao dei Polacchi. Once it was the theater commander Lucius Cornelius Balba Younger. All that remains of the theatre, also on display in the Crypt of the Balbi. In addition here you can see the numismatic collection, objects from the Roman Forum, the frescoes from the Church of Santa Maria in via Lata and other exhibits. The second floor of the exposition is called "Rome from antiquity to the Middle ages" and illustrates the period of life of the city from the 5th to the 10th century.

The other part of the National Museum of Rome is the Palazzo Altemps in the district of Ponte. The Palazzo is located North of Piazza Navona. In ancient times, here is one of two large marble port on the Tiber, the ruins of which were discovered during excavations of 1891. Most likely, here was located the temple of Apollo on the site of the present Church of Sant Apollinare. Itself Palazzo Altemps was designed in the 15th century for Girolamo Riario, a relative of Pope Sixtus IV, in one of the rooms of the Palace have been preserved fresco wedding Girolamo and Caterina Sforza in 1477. On the decoration of the Palazzo worked Antonio da Sangallo the Elder and Baldassarre Peruzzi. In 1568, the building became the property of cardinal Marcus Sitticus Altemps, who initiated the modernization of the Palace. At his order, was built the Belvedere. In 1997, Palazzo Altemps was turned into a Museum. Today you can see the sculptures of the Renaissance, and visit the historic private theatre, which hosts temporary exhibitions.

Another part of the Museum's collection is the Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, built on the site of the Villa Montalto-Peretti (was demolished in 1883 during the construction of the railway station). The Palazzo is built in the style of the 16th century by the architect Camillo Pistrucci. During the Second world war the building was occupied by a military hospital, and in 1981, the government referred it to the National Museum of Rome. In Palazzo Massimo alle Terme sculptures from different eras, collections of coins and jewelry, frescoes, stucco, mosaic, etc. In one of the rooms houses the mummy was found in 1964 on the via Cassia inside an ornate sarcophagus.

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