Cathedral Of The Nativity Of The Theotokos Photo: Cathedral Of The Nativity Of The Theotokos

The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Rostov-on-don is situated on the street Stanislavsky, 58. Finding the specified address searched the temple, the traveller will be surprised by the similarity of the Cathedral at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. This similarity is due to the fact that was used for the capital project of the architect K. ton, the author of the main Cathedral of Moscow.

Annals of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the blessed virgin historians lead with g., when in place of the old wooden chapel in the realm of Metropolitan Dimitri of Rostov erected a wooden Church in honour of the Nativity of the virgin. The last wooden Church in 1791 from a lightning strike burned down. The new stone Church, translated by decree of the Holy Synod to the rank of Cathedral, were only wooden dome.

After the consecration of the Cathedral in 1822 it has been 32 years and the Church could no longer accommodate increased manyfold flock, then in 1860 after a 6-year-old building was consecrated the magnificent temple, richly decorated with colored marble, copper and gold. A lovely painting, icons, valuable utensils, wrought iron fence and crosses on the domes – all of this was purchased with the funds of the merchants and patrons. At the end of the XIX century was built a stately four-storey bell tower. In the first tier consecrated the Church. Nicholas. The second and the third tier was occupied by the belfry. They say the main ringing bells (1032 pounds weight) was heard for 40 miles around.

In 20-ies of the Cathedral was damaged by the revolutionary fanaticism, but was not destroyed. Before the war on the temple even housed a zoo. In 1942, the bell tower lost its two tiers. The occupation of the Cathedral was applicable. Another revival and consecration of the Cathedral was timed to the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus. The square before the temple was decorated by the monument of St. Dmitry of Rostov. They consecrated the Cathedral his Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.

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