Rostov Museum of military equipment Photo: Rostov Museum of military equipment

Museum of military equipment in the city of Rostov-on-don is located on the territory of the nature reserve "Mukhina beam". The Museum was opened in 1998 on the basis of the empty spare points North Caucasian district, built in 60-ies of the XXth century by the Soviet government in the event of a third world war. Squaw is a series of multiple underground tunnels and corridors, intersecting steel airtight doors that form the so-called catacombs. Even with a nuclear strike these tunnels would serve as the most reliable shelter.

Replacement item has always been a military secret, and once in the early 90s, the complex was completely abandoned, the dungeons went mysterious and terrible rumors. Some believe that there has been a secret medical research, and others, that in point territory developed a top secret and dangerous superweapon.

Actually the "cyberpunk" entourage asylum with his huge size and great technical skill, but also not quite understand the purpose of erecting suggest darkest thoughts. In the 80s dungeons repeatedly shook some explosions, not commented upon by the government, besides the reasons due to which this facility has been abandoned, is also unclear. According to the military, is the map to this day has not been preserved. Therefore, it is still not known exactly how many secret rooms and passages has this mysterious dungeon.

Museum of military equipment from the first day of opening has become very popular among the locals, this was facilitated not only the "dark secrets" Shrouding this place, but also a huge collection of military equipment from the Soviet era. Here you can see the armored vehicles, tanks, aircraft, heavy howitzers, portable machine guns, and more. Visitors are allowed not only to study the history of these items, but to touch them. In a renovated bunker presents exhibition of military uniforms, equipment and documents.

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