Soldiers ' synagogue Photo: Soldiers ' synagogue

Soldiers ' synagogue is the only active synagogue in the city of Rostov-on-don. It is located at the intersection of Newspaper alley and street Turgenevskaya.

The history of the Rostov synagogue began in 1862, when Jewish soldiers decided to form their Jewish prayer society. In may 1862 soldier's society with the permission of the Ekaterinoslav provincial Board hired under its own prayer house is a special room. In 1872, for a Soldier's choral synagogue was built a new stone building, the funds allocated for the construction of a local merchant of the first Guild I. M. Elizer. The author of this project, probably made by senior city architect E. E. Shulman. The construction of the synagogue was engaged in local construction contractor M. L. Geronimus.

In 1881, for the Spiritual government of the synagogue to the main building was built three-story brick building. In 1891 he completed construction of two-storey outbuildings to the South, intended for school children, a failed soldier and prayer for the school. In October 1905 Jewish pogroms Soldiers ' synagogue was badly damaged by fire. The building was restored and reconstructed only in 1914

Rostov synagogue built in the art Nouveau style with some elements of Eastern architecture. The building has a simple uncluttered facades, window openings stylized Gothic rose and have a semicircular end. The basement and the main volume of the synagogue is rusticated. Complement the architectural appearance of the building stucco rosettes, arcature frieze under the eaves of the medium volume, a parapet and a large cornice.

In 1935, the synagogue building was nationalized, after which it was used as imparity of Warmestrom, as well as units of the radio plant "Komsomolets". In 1943, the building was again occupied by the Jewish community, made great efforts to repair. And only in July 1993, the Small Council of the Rostov city Executive Committee decided to transfer the former synagogue of the Jewish religious community. In 2005 in the historical building of the Soldiers ' synagogue underwent major repairs, reconstruction and restoration. Grand opening of the restored synagogue was held in December 2005

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