Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity monastery of Sergiev Varnitskiy Photo: Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity monastery of Sergiev Varnitskiy

In the city of Rostov, Yaroslavl region is the magnificent Trinity Cathedral at the Holy Trinity Sergiev Varnitskiy monastery. This building was the first stone building in the monastery. Presumably, the Cathedral was built in 1770-1771, according to the decree of the Bishop of Rostov vol'khovskii Athanasius, who had previously, before the adoption of Episcopal dignity, was when Archimandrite of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The process of consecration of the Cathedral was made on 16 October 1771.

Today it's hard to imagine how important were the construction of this beautiful Cathedral for the whole Varnitskiy abode. There is evidence that income Varnitskiy abode were always very scarce and hardly held to a "subsistence level". The inhabitants of the monastery could not know what a Grand and large-scale construction awaits them. The necessary funds for construction were granted by the Bishop Athanasius, who since the advent of this idea to the very end of his life, cared for and carefully watched all the Affairs of Trinity Cathedral. This person was able to implement a plan for the construction of the majestic Orthodox Church.

In the Trinity Cathedral has two chapels, one of which was consecrated in honor of the venerable saints of Nikon and Sergius, who were Radonegskii hegumens. The second chapel was consecrated in the name of a particularly revered Orthodox saints Cyril and Athanasius of Alexandria Patriarchs. According to the preserved written sources, the patron Saint of Bishop Athanasius – Builder Trinity Cathedral was Saint Athanasius, Saint Cyril was considered the guardian angel of the Church of the father of the venerable Sergius of Radonezh.

As for the interior decoration of Trinity Cathedral, it is worth noting that no temple could not compare with him in beauty and luxury among all the monasteries of Rostov. For example, even Spaso-Jacob temple in the background looked a bit easier, because the Trinity Cathedral at the time was the most dignified and majestic Cathedral of the entire city of Rostov. The vaults and walls of the Cathedral were elaborately decorated plaster cartouches, painted a magnificent painting. Each of the chapels had gilded carved iconostasis. The greatest number of icons were donated by philanthropists and was located in rich silver frames.

The Cathedral's bell tower porch, which was originally built three-tiered and equipped with nine bells. At the end of 1892 was completed one – fourth tier – donated to the gift of the bell. To have preserved the old photos, which you can see that in the first decades of the 20th century, the wedding of the bell tower was carried out using a small onion-shaped domes, which size was the same as the dome of Trinity Cathedral. Today cupola spire prominent features the conclusion that she developed since the late 18 century to 19 century.

In the mid 1930 Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity monastery of Sergiev Varnitskiy violently blew up. It is important to note that even the Foundation of such a majestic and large building was razed – most likely, it was intended to ensure that neither his contemporaries nor subsequent generations are unable to rebuild the temple or even to remember him. Over a fairly long period of time at the location of the Cathedral was a dump.

Today, Trinity Church rebuilt and operates what has been accomplished through the efforts of the monastic brethren when Varnitskiy monastery. The work of the restoration of the Cathedral were joined to a large number of volunteers and benefactors. The last large-scale construction of the temple, as well as repair work is carried out in internal and external decoration of the temple date back to the middle of 2005, after which Trinity Church again began his fruitful work.

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