The Museum of socialist art Photo: the Museum of socialist art

A Museum dedicated to socialist art, was opened in Sofia on September 19, 2011. It is a branch of the National art gallery of Bulgaria. The Museum acted as the first in the country store, where not only going, and he exploited the unique samples of art Bulgaria, created in the period between 1944 and 1989. All works are United by a common theme – the era of socialism.

The Museum complex consists of a video, an art gallery and a Park with an area of 7, 5 sq. km In the Park you can see the works of monumental sculpture in the amount of 77 exhibits. Mostly, it busts and statues of famous Soviet and Bulgarian Communists – Lenin, Dimitrov, D. Blagoeva, V. Kolarov, T. Zhivkov and other active politicians. Other sculptures represent the typical image of socialist realism kolkhoz, partisans, workers and red army men.

The area of a single art gallery is $ 550 sq. m. it exhibits as exhibits 60 paintings and 25 works related to easel art.

In the video room showing documentaries that were filmed in the heyday of Bulgarian socialism. Here is a small store where you can purchase as Souvenirs authentic items from the socialist era, or modern copies.

Near the entrance to the Museum Park is a symbol of communism and socialism in the Bulgarian Republic – original species-red star, which in the period from 1964 to 1984 towered in the center of the House Party. Thus, the seat of the Central Committee of the Communist party of Bulgaria was a kind of political symbol in Sofia that era.

The Museum itself, the building is new and today it is part of the Ministry of culture of Bulgaria, namely: state folk ensemble scale "Philip Kutev", Institute of architectural heritage on a national scale, the company is "Restoration", a division of the art gallery at the national level, etc.

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