The house-Museum named after Peyo Yavorov in Chirpan Photo: House-Museum named after Peyo Yavorov in Chirpan

The house-Museum named after Peyo Yavorov is located in the centre of the town of Chirpan. He officially received the status of a Museum in 1954, the 40th anniversary of the death of Peyo Yavorov, and in 1977 the Museum was declared a monument of architecture and construction. Even before receiving the official status of the Museum, the guests visited the house. The famous poet of Bulgaria geo Milev visited him in 1924 – it has been 10 years since the death of Yavorov. For this reason a little later the older sister of the writer identified one bathroom fans brother.

Peyo Yavorov is a native of the town of Chirpan, was born on the 1st of January (old style), 1878, he lived in his father's house to 17 years. Yavorov is known not only for an active literary and political activities. He participated in the national movement Bulgaria for the purpose of liberation of Macedonia and in the Balkan war. Peyo Yavorov wrote over 160 poems that are collected in three anthologies and translated into 20 languages. The poet is considered to be one of the first symbolists in literature Bulgaria.

In the house Museum presents the real atmosphere of life in the family kitchen, living room and so-called "Paavai" room. In the living room or medium room, visitors of the Museum can be considered a portrait of the famous revolutionaries of Bulgaria, who advocated the liberation from the Ottoman yoke - Hadji Dimitar and Stefan karaji, it is indicative of the attitude of the family to the revolution. Seating was retained in the form in which it was created, the family of the poet, when my parents were preparing to meet Peyo and his wife Laura in September 1913

Guests of the house-Museum can be seen in the courtyard of the monument to the poet.

Exposition hall of the Museum was opened in 1973, it exhibits a collection of photos and things that represent the life and work of the poet in different periods. First - the old Republic, then while studying at school in Plovdiv, after - during the work of Yavorov in different Bulgarian cities, and the period of participation in cultural circle called "Thought".

In 1968 in the town of Chirpan began a new tradition - the annual January days devoted to Peyo Yavorov. They are opened on the birthday of writer - January 13. This cultural event includes literary readings, exhibitions, discussions, etc. in addition, the house-Museum hosts a variety of book launches, competitions and concerts.

In July 2006, the Museum Peyo Yavorov included in the list of one Hundred Bulgarian tourism destinations.

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