The monument to the Governor-General N. E. Nikiforakis Photo: the Monument to the Governor-General N. E. Nikiforakis

The monument to the Governor-General N. E. Nikiforakis is located in the city of Stavropol on the Avenue of Karl Marx, at the railway station. The monument was erected in the beginning of 2003 thanks to the support of Cultural and educational society of Azov and the don Greeks "Tanais". The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the 225th anniversary of the city of Stavropol. The name of the Governor-General Nikolay Yegorovich Nikiforakis associated with many bright pages of national history.

Born N. E. Nikiforakis January 4, 1838, in the family of Greek E. N. Nikiforakis, a native of St. Petersburg province. Young N. Nikiforakis, having received an excellent education at home, go to one of the most elite military institutions of Russia - Petersburg artillery school, from which she graduated with honors. After graduating from St. Michael's Academy N. Nikiforakis went to serve in the Caucasus. He participated in various battles, for which he was repeatedly promoted and awarded.

In 1864 Nikiforakis received direction in Novorossiysk Fort. After 10 years he became a Trustee of the black sea coastal territories, and even 2 years later - the head of the black sea district. In 1887 N. Nikiforakis became major-General, and a little later in the same year he was appointed Governor of the Stavropol province.

During the reign of the new Governor-General noted a real industrial boom. In Stavropol in turn began to take effect oil-mills and distilleries, steam roller mills, etc. In 1897, by order of N. E. Nikiforakis was installed the first telephone line in the North Caucasus, and soon the town began its work and the city's telephone exchange. In addition to Stavropol at Nikiforakis were first lighted electric light bulb, and earned first in the Stavropol province power station.

15 February 1904 N. E. Nikiforakis died. Buried by the Governor-General in the churchyard of St. Andrew's Cathedral, built by him.

Installed monument N. E. Nikiforakis is a tribute of memory and respect that reward the descendants of the man who left his great things, great mark in the history of the Stavropol territory.

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