Wall dinosaur Photo: dinosaur Wall

Wall of the dinosaurs is a unique archaeological monument the height of a 30 storey house. Its length is 1, 2 km, and the age of 68 million years. It was then, in the second half of the Cretaceous period the wall was the bottom of a freshwater lake. And dinosaurs come here to quench their thirst and find something to profit from food. But as a result of displacement of tectonic layer the bottom up, and stood almost vertically, now it is inclined at an angle of 70 degrees. The researchers counted 5000 on the wall traces, which could leave 294 different types of dinosaurs. This is a terrific place discovered quite by accident when, in 1994, one of the employees current near Sucre cement plant just decided to walk. So, For. Schutt and found the wall, completely trampled by dinosaurs! On a cliff were clearly visible traces of long-extinct giants. As they say paleontologists, such number of prints of a giant paws in one place in the world not found anywhere else! Further, near the famous Wall of the dinosaurs opened the Museum where you can see the real size of those who have left their mark. Certainly not these giants, and their layouts. However, children and adults come to the delight of visiting this Park Cretaceous period. For guys especially informative to study the history of ancient times, in the immediate vicinity of the indications of the presence on earth of prehistoric creatures.

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