National Park of Gulf of Orosei and Gennargentu Photo: national Park of Gulf of Orosei and Gennargentu"

National Park of Gulf of Orosei and Gennargentu" is a protected natural area located on the Eastern coast of Sardinia in the provinces of Nuoro and Ogliastra.

Among the animals living in the Park, you can call the Sardinian wild cat, wild sheep, monk seal, marten, Fox, weasel and small rodents like Sony-fat Dormouse and the garden Dormouse. Soaring in the sky birds of prey - the Griffin vultures, Golden eagles, peregrine falcons, Bonelli's eagles, and in the forest you can hear the beats of great spotted woodpeckers. Luxury flowers chosen Corsican sailing is a rare butterfly found only in Corsica and Sardinia.

The highest peak of the mountain range of the Gennargentu and the entire island peak is Punta La Marmora, located on the territory of the communes Desulo and Arcana, – 1834 meters above sea level. Its name was in honor of the Italian geographer from Piedmont Alberto Ferrero della Marmora. The mountain is located to the East of the approximate center of Sardinia, and its summit offers stunning views of the surroundings. In clear weather you can see much of the coast and all the nearby peaks.

In addition, the national Park houses a number of monuments of nature, which can be interesting for tourists - rock Pedra e Liana, Pedra Longa di baunei, the peak Punta is Ideal, the valley su Sugarcane, the rock formation Texile di Aritzo and the su jump into. There is also a small woodland Montarbo, Alase, Watco and Montes. The latter is of special ecological value because it consists of a vast oak woods, one of the last in Europe. Popular with visitors to the Park and the gorge is Gorroppu is a huge gap created by the river the Rio Flumineddu: its walls reach the height of 400 meters.

Among the places of archaeological value, it is possible to allocate the village of Tiscali, located in the valley of the Supramonte di Oliena, with traces of settlements 6-4 centuries B. C. Finally, it is in the national Park of the Gennargentu is the only one in Sardinia ski resort on the slopes of Monte Spada, Brunca Spina, Separatory and S arena.

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