Castle of Azay-Le-Rideau Photo: the Castle of Azay-Le-Rideau

Castle of Azay-Le-Rideau is located in the French Department of Indre and Loire. The castle is located in the same city and built on the island in the middle of the Indre river. The castle was built in 1518 1527, and it is a masterpiece of the French Renaissance and one of the most popular castles of the Loire Valley.

The first building of the castle was built in the XII century local seniors and one of the knights of king Philip II Rideau d Azay. The fortress was built to guard the road from tours to Chinon. This castle was destroyed during the hundred years ' war, when the future king Charles VII fled from occupied Burgundian troops of Paris. Azay-Le-Rideau was also occupied by the Burgundians, and, unable to bear their insults, angry Dauphin ordered the execution of all the castle - 350 people, and the castle burnt down. In memory of this event the city until the eighteenth century bore the name of Azay-Le-Brule, which literally translates as "burned".

Castle of Azay-Le-Rideau lay in ruins until 1518, until these lands are acquired Gilles Berthelot, mayor of the city Tour, serving as Royal Treasurer. Berthelot decided to build a castle in the popular Italian Renaissance. However, for greater prestige he wanted in his future residence was present and inherent in the architecture of Medieval defensive elements.

The owner of the castle because of his court duties was not present when the building, which was very slow, it is also necessary to lay a Foundation on the island in the river Indre. In 1527 the castle was still unfinished, when Gilles Berthelot fell into disgrace and was forced to leave the country. Francis I confiscated his territory and in 1535 gave the castle to his vassal Antoine Ruffino. The castle was never completed – it consisted only of the southern and Western wings.

In the XVI-XVII centuries, the castle of Azay-Le-Rideau was still owned by the descendants of Rafina, in 1583, he underwent a small renovation, and 27 June 1619 here for the first time took the king – Louis XIII spent the night in this castle on the way to his mother, Marie de Medici. Later the castle also stayed and Louis XIV.

In 1787 the castle of Azay-Le-Rideau was sold for 300 thousand French livres to the Marquis Charles de Blancura, Marshal of the Royal troops. For many years the castle was in ruins, but from 1820-ies its new owner began an ambitious restoration work. In 1824, on the ground floor of the South wing appeared "the China study", which was destroyed in 1860-ies, and in 1825-1826, Blenker graced the library wooden carved panels. Reconstruction of the castle was continued by the son of Bankura, guard of king Louis XVI, who participated in the defense of the Palace of the Tuileries in 1792. Were restored Royal insignia on the stairs, those who suffered during the French revolution, expanded courtyard was that a new, East tower. Thus, the castle of Azay-Le-Rideau was finally completed, but it had lost almost all the elements of medieval defensive architecture. Supervised these works of Swiss architect Duelen, who also restored the nearby castle of Ussé.

During the Franco-Prussian war in the castle of Azay-Le-Rideau was the headquarters of the Prussian troops. Once on the dining table, which was attended by the commander of the army of Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia, had fallen a huge chandelier. The Prince of Prussia decided that the castle is in danger and would have to order to burn the building down, but the officers managed to talk him out of it.

When the Prussian army left Azay-Le-Rideau castle back in the hands of descendants of Bankura. The castle became famous for its collection of over 300 portraits, which are often exhibited to the public. But in 1899, the last owner of the castle from the kind of Blenker ran into financial difficulties and sold with all furniture and 540 hectares of land to the successful businessman from the Tour, which, in turn, sold for greater profit all that was in the castle.

Deserted castle of Azay-Le-Rideau was purchased by the government in 1905 for 250 thousand francs and became part of monuments of history and culture. In the early years of the Second world war, the castle housed the representatives of the Ministry of education of France. Now Azay-Le-Rideau is a world heritage site by UNESCO.

Castle of Azay-Le-Rideau, which the French writer honoré de Balzac described as "cut diamond, reflected in the waters of the Andrew" is a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance, which is reflected in the exquisite sculptural decorations. Also can be traced partially surviving elements of the medieval fortifications, for example, covered passages on the outer wall of the castle and covered the loopholes under the roof. Many details show typical French architectural style, for example, pointed turrets, Dormer Windows, steep roof slope.

The most notable part of the structure of the castle is the main Central staircase, made under the influence of stairs in the castle of Chateaudun. Surprisingly, this staircase is spiral, and is the oldest example of a ladder of this type in France. Staircase connects the four floors of the castle, each of which are double Windows facing the courtyard. The entrance to the staircase is reminiscent of a Roman triumphal arch, decorated with the initials of the first owner of the castle – Gilles Berthelot and his wife. On the pediments above the Windows depict the Salamander is the symbol of king Francis I. Inside staircase decorated with extravagant carvings and medallions with images of all the French kings from Louis XI to Henry IV.

Inside the castle of Azay-Le-Rideau is also decorated in the style of the Italian Renaissance, and more modern living rooms and bedrooms of the XIX century in neo-Renaissance style. The rooms placed Flemish tapestries of the XVI-XVII centuries, including "Scenes from the old Testament" from Oudenaarde and "the legend of the psyche" from Brussels. The castle also houses a collection of portraits of French monarchs and the painting Francois Clouet "ladies toilet", which allegedly captured Diane de Poitiers.

Castle of Azay-Le-Rideau is surrounded by an English Park of the XIX century.

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